Reading CSV from a file into global variables


Hi guys,

I wrote this bit of code based on a discussion I found on a different thread. But I can't seem to get it to work. Basically I have an on deinit function that dumps 8 different varaibles as CSV to a file. I know that bit works because I can obviously read the file. Then I also have an on init function that reads those values into an array that I will then use to get them back into the variable slots that they came out of. Trouble is I can't get the file reading to work properly. I'm using FileReadDouble, but I think I'm doing something wrong. Here is the code.

int init()
FileName = StringConcatenate(Symbol(),".txt");
int Vars[8];
int Count = 1;
FileHandle = FileOpen(FileName,FILE_CSV|FILE_READ);
while (!FileIsEnding(FileHandle) && Count < 8)
   Vars[Count] = FileReadDouble(FileHandle,DOUBLE_VALUE);

int deinit()
MemDump = 1;
FileName = StringConcatenate(Symbol(),".txt");
FileHandle=FileOpen(FileName, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ',');
  FileWrite(FileHandle, EntryPrice, ExitPrice, Profit, BuyorSell, LimitBuy, LimitSell, LTProfit, MemDump);

Would you mind taking a look and making suggestions as to why it's not working?



This doesn't answer your question, but . . . had you considered using Terminal Globals?

If you need the vars sent to a file, then you need it; but if you don't, this may work out for you.

Documentation on MQL5: Global Variables of the Terminal
Documentation on MQL5: Global Variables of the Terminal
Global variables are kept in the client terminal for 4 weeks since the last access, then they will be deleted automatically. An access to a global variable is not only setting of a new value, but reading of the global variable value, as well.
DrBeardface: I wrote this bit of code based on a discussion I found on a different thread. But I can't seem to get it to work. Basically I have an on deinit function that dumps 8 different varaibles as CSV to a file. I know that bit works because I can obviously read the file. Then I also have an on init function that reads those values into an array that I will then use to get them back into the variable slots that they came out of. Trouble is I can't get the file reading to work properly. I'm using FileReadDouble, but I think I'm doing something wrong. Here is the code.

Would you mind taking a look and making suggestions as to why it's not working?

Read the documentation again:


Reads a double-precision floating point number (double) from the current position of the binary file.


The function reads from the CSV file a string from the current position till a separator (or till the end of a text string) and converts the read string to a value of double type.

Fernando Carreiro:

Read the documentation again:

Ahh thanks. That makes a lot more sense. It's working a little better now, but still behaving a bit strangely. Here is what I have now.

   FileName = StringConcatenate(Symbol(),".txt");
   int Vars[8];
   int Count = 1;
   FileHandle = FileOpen(FileName,FILE_CSV|FILE_READ, ",");
   while (!FileIsEnding(FileHandle) && Count <= 8)
      Vars[Count] = FileReadNumber(FileHandle);

Now when the program initialises it prints "000255000". Whereas it should print "002500001". I looked at the text file generated by the FileWrite function that I posted earlier, and the problem isn't with that, it's seems that something is wrong with the file pointer? Any ideas?

Yes there is "something is wrong with the file pointer." You changed it. Stop seeking. Just read the numbers.

Oh ok, I didn't realise that it would remember the file position. It's fixed now. Thanks guys!!