Do you feel comfortable in trading Cryptocurrencies ??? - page 4


bitcoin is not a bubble, if you understand economy, you'll see that there is no bubbles on free market, only the risk that changes.

Bubbles are only caused by governments, but bitcoin is outside any government, so the price is as real as it gets, there are strong factors 

to say that the value will only increase:

a- they are limited, so nobody can print more or create more out of thin air, and that causes deflation, so your bitcoins will value more with time

b- amazon is looking for accepting bitcoin, that impact wil be huge

c- bitcoin opened for future markets, and that causes the price to be less volatile, like a currency

next year we'll see bitcoin at 20000, the way it's going

 Why don't you buy and let us see the position you have taken. I love how everyone is choosing nice round numbers for bitcoin. A bubble isn't started by the government. A bubble is started by anyone who can meet the demand of "supply and demand". Any little thing can bring down bitcoin as we have seen multiple 20% red days and we all know that is enough to margin call EVERYONE trading those crappy coins. 


Of course there won't be any margin call for people holding their coins in cold storage or on a paper wallet for example.

But they will just see the value of their funds evaporate.

Marco vd Heijden:

Of course there won't be any margin call for people holding their coins in cold storage or on a paper wallet for example.

But they will just see the value of their funds evaporate.

All the bubbles in the world were caused by government, today most of countries are on a bubble caused by central banks, they print money out of thin air, but that's impossible with bitcoin, as they are limited, nobody can create more. The crisis of 29 was to blame keynesianism, the state, Tulips bubble was caused by the influx of gold caused by the East India Company when they put a lot of coins on the economy without gold to guarantee, but with bitcoin, you cant print more, so it will be scarce, like gold, of course you can't predict what will happen, because only 1 bug can cause big problems, but all facts tend to say its going up


Interesting to note is that Bitcoin was going strong from 2009 to 2016. 

Now recently 2017, the original blockchain has been forked already two times, almost 3 times...

This means that the amount of (Bit)coins has effectively tripled, be it on another blockchain payment system, alt-Bitcoin, or whatever you want to call it.

These are the signs that something is wrong, the network became too slow.

It sometimes took 2-3 days for transactions to confirm, this is unacceptable in a payment system.

The developers are fighting over the name Bitcoin, you can call it a cyber war.

One pool has almost 90% of all the hashing power and is using this to hold the coin captive trying to force their ideas of improvement through.

There are surfacing numerous topics about many thousands of coins being stolen and articles about hidden or buried code in the software that leaks away Bitcoins to suspicious addresses.

Miners are being stolen.

Then there are the rumors about certain governments stocking BTC to use it as a crypto bomb in the near future ?

There is so much going on below the surface that i literally do not know where to start.

And then there is the introduction of CFD's, completely unrelated to Bitcoin and Blockchain,

But it certainly has the potential to bring it down.

Oh and i almost forgot the articles about brokers and exchanges going bust due to a small 30* leverage and the last violent correction they could not handle....

Im sure there is more.


What other cryptocurrencies can you recommend for a new user of this business method?

Other than the use of forex


as I said sooner or later this will come to a natural end, at least when the climate gets so hat that the pcs cannot be cooled any more:

Bitcoin Mining Now Consuming More Electricity Than 159 Countries Including Ireland & Most Countries In Africa
Bitcoin Mining Now Consuming More Electricity Than 159 Countries Including Ireland & Most Countries In Africa
Bitcoin’s ongoing meteoric price rise has received the bulk of recent press attention with a lot of discussion around whether or not it’s a bubble waiting to burst. However, most the coverage has missed out one of the more interesting and unintended consequences of this price increase. That is the surge in global electricity consumption used to...

As Carl and Marco says, it's better to keep away for now, but the blockchain idea is amazing, when they create a solution to these problems of energy consumption, and transaction time, it will be easily the main currency on the world