Does Horizontal Tab work? (\t)

Does the horizontal Tab work? If yes, how?

I've tried \t but it does nothing anywhere. 

I've been checking and I can't find a way to make a Horizontal Tab. 

It doesnt work in Alerts, Print or Comment functions.

So, is there any way to make Horizontal Tab?

You can see it exists in the MQL4 Reference; I tried using the numeric value and it doesnt work anyway. 
I dont know why they add such character constant if it doesn't work.
Character Constants - Integer Types - Data Types - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference
Character Constants - Integer Types - Data Types - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference
Characters as elements of a string in MQL4 are indexes in the Unicode character set. They are hexadecimal values that can be cast into integers, and that can be manipulated by integer operations like addition and subtraction. Any single character in quotation marks or a hexadecimal ASCII code of a character as '\x10' is a character constant and...
Ramon Sobrevals Arce:
Does the horizontal Tab work? If yes, how?

I've tried \t but it does nothing anywhere. 

I've been checking and I can't find a way to make a Horizontal Tab. 

It doesnt work in Alerts, Print or Comment functions.

So, is there any way to make Horizontal Tab?

You can see it exists in the MQL4 Reference; I tried using the numeric value and it doesnt work anyway. 
I dont know why they add such character constant if it doesn't work.
  1. It's an ASCII character like the letter A. How any character is interpreted depends on the program running (font/font size.) Originally it was enough (monospaced font) spaces to get to the next multiple of 8 characters. Most editors are adjustable. The Metaquote's MetaEditor uses 4 characters.
  2. Try writing a file and then opening it somewhere.
  3. You just said how you make one. '\t'
  4. Correct, it doesn't.
  5. № 3
  6. They didn't "add any such character constant" it's been part of ASCII since 1960
Ramon Sobrevals Arce:

It doesnt work in Alerts, Print or Comment functions.

So, is there any way to make Horizontal Tab?

You could fake it with spaces . . . .

string tabify(string strInput, int tabStop = 3, string fill = " ")
   int length = StringLen(strInput);
   for(int i=0;i<tabStop-length % tabStop;i++)
      strInput += fill;
   return (strInput);             

Example call:

void OnStart()
   string a = "ABC";
   string b = "DEFGH";
   string c = "I";
