how to check automatically for any suffixes added to symbols in market watch, so indicator work on all broker's account type's ?



in my multi currency indicator in default ;

for example symbol " EURUSD"  i check/add in market watch ,so indicator calculate & draw.

my question is: if some broker/account type use another symbol like " EURUSD.m " or any other suffixes added to EURUSD or " eurusd " ....

  or     ( is there another ? )

( in calculation those are all equal together ) , how can do this automatically without any modify from user with change from indicator's Input.

thank's in advance.


in my multi currency indicator in default ;

for example symbol " EURUSD"  i check/add in market watch ,so indicator calculate & draw.

my question is: if some broker/account type use another symbol like " EURUSD.m " or any other suffixes added to EURUSD or " eurusd " ....

  or     ( is there another ? )

( in calculation those are all equal together ) , how can do this automatically without any modify from user with change from indicator's Input.

thank's in advance.

As far as I know there is no automatically way or ready function to do that. 

Anyway, in trading signals copying there is something similar that the MQ team could use to create such public function.

Need to write your own function to handle this.

thank you.

i used bellow in my code.( fore example for "EURUSD" )

string SYMBOLS_NAMES[1]="EURUSD" // must check for other type & any other suffixes added { eurusd EURUSD.m ...}
void OnInit()
   InitSymbolNames(); //--- Initialize the array of symbols
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &Time[],
                const double   &Open[],
                const double   &High[],
                const double   &Low[],
                const double   &Close[],
                const long     &TickVolume[],
                const long     &Volume[],
                const int      &Spread[])
void InitSymbolNames()
string AddSymbolToMarketWatch(string symbol)
   int      total=0; // Number of symbols
   string   name=""; // Symbol name
   //--- If an empty string is passed, return the empty string
//--- Total symbols on the server
//--- Iterate over the entire list of symbols
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      //--- Symbol name on the server
      //--- If this symbol is available,
         //--- add it to the Market Watch window and
         //--- return its name
//--- If this symbol is not available, return the string representing the lack of the symbol

any help to continue.



Problem if you have...


name = "EURUSD.m"

symbol = "EURUSD" 


Problem if you have...

name = "EURUSD.m"

symbol = "EURUSD" 

yes i have Bewildered about this and it's Relationship with " add to market watch ".

So you need to modify the "name==symbol" code as below:


if(StringCompare(StringSubstr(name, 0, 6), StringSubstr(symbol, 0, 6), false)==0)

So you need to modify the "name==symbol" code as below:


// MODE_MARGINCALCMODE: 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures; 3 - CFD for indices

if (MarketInfo(name,MODE_MARGINCALCMODE) == 0 &&
    StringCompare(StringSubstr(name, 0, 6), StringSubstr(symbol, 0, 6), false) == 0)
length = 6 for Forex (mostly).



thank you.

in my code, if symbol is not exist in market watch , it will be add and use, ( automatically )

#define SYMBOLS_COUNT   29 // Number of SYMBOLS "1+28"
//                                      0       1        2        3        4        5        6       7
//                                      8        9       10       11        12       13
//                                      14      15        16       17      18
//                                      19      20       21        22
//                                      23       24       25
//                                      26       27
//                                      28

i think in your solution, at first ; must add all forex symbol and then use " SYMBOL_SELECT " and get equal's for symbol and compar them.

is i am right ?

if yes, so how can insert our symbol's automatically in market watch?

thank you all.

void InitSymbolNames()
   for(int i=0;i<SYMBOLS_COUNT;i++)
length = 6 for Forex (mostly).

thank you;

sorry, i will try.

// MODE_MARGINCALCMODE: 0 - Forex; 1 - CFD; 2 - Futures; 3 - CFD for indices