Ranking list of the best rated programmers? - page 2

Mohammad Soubra:
I beleive this is not the end.
They will solve the ranking issue.
Just wait the site coming updates.
We will see in the future.

Perhaps, you will see the rank of the developer instead of his name or the silent word "Developer" .
I believe that, its is not a good idea to rank developers because that will promote inequality. Its better the way it is. So that other developers will pull up their socks to gain more clients.
Yeah, as paying customers we should have some way to choose what we are buying. Like with a new tv or a new car, you know which brands are bad or not. Over here its a gamble when you buy a product or commission a coder to write an EA for you. No rankings means you have no idea what you will get. This is exactly why I haven't spent any money on anything here yet.