Multiple MQ4 files in an EA - page 2

Ex Ovo Omnia:

Do you still use SciTe?

Yes. For MQL5.
Anthony Garot:

This doesn't really answer your question of "Using the MetaEditor . . . " but it may be a useful work-around.

metaeditor.exe will take command-line options, which means you could, with a little work, get an IDE of your choice (e.g. Eclipse) to compile your MQL4 code.

When I did MQL4 code, I used SciTE editor for MQL4:

SciTE for MQL4 doesn't really do "projects," per se, but you can save sessions, which allow you to group related files. It's better than nothing.

It wasn't too hard to outfit SciTE for MQL5, either.

Will this work on a mac? I have MT4 on my mac, via Admiral markets, but really don't want to dig out my cruddy windows PC to compile MQL4 files. Looking for a solution, other than parallels or Wine.