Array double



i would like to select for example all the last short orders and create an array done in this way


for properties I mean: ticket, TP and SL, I will get it by OrderSelect and then OrderTicket(), OrderTakeProfit() and OrderStopLoss(); using a cycle "for" and counting the total orders.

I would like to know if it is possibile to resume all in the same array.

for example with order_short[0][3] i will find the SL of the last order.


i havent tried if it works yet, but something like this

(conta_ordini is a function already working that tells me how many orders there are, long or short)

double check_orders_short(void){
   int count_ord_short = conta_ordini(1);
   int prop_short[][3];
   int i;
   int a;
   for(i<count_ord_short; i=0; i++){
   for(a<3; a=1, a++){
    prop_short[i][1]= OrderTicket;
  }else if(a==2){
  prop_short[i][2]= OrderTakeProfit;
  }else if(a==3){
  prop_short[i][3]= OrderStopLoss;
   return prop_short[][];
florenceale: i would like to select for example all the last short orders and create an array done in this way order_short[number_by_order][properties];

for properties I mean: ticket, TP and SL, I will get it by OrderSelect and then OrderTicket(), OrderTakeProfit() and OrderStopLoss(); using a cycle "for" and counting the total orders.

for example with order_short[0][3] i will find the SL of the last order.

  1. There is no "all the last." There is only one last.
  2. Don't create a double array. Create an array of a structure.
    struct Order{
     int ticket;
     double tp, sl;
    Order order_short[]; int nShort=0;
       order_short[nShort].ticket =
       order_short[nShort].tp     =
       order_short[nShort].sl     =

  1. There is no "all the last." There is only one last.
  2. Don't create a double array. Create an array of a structure.

thanks i will look to this


Or you could use a fully developed library if you know how to work with OOP.  This shows a couple different ways to achieve the same result. 

#include <MQL4OrderPool.mqh>
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   MQL4OrderPool history_filled;
   Print("There are ",history_filled.Total()," orders in the history for ",Symbol());
   Print("top 3 winning and losing trades by net profit.");
   for(int i=0;i<history_filled.Total()&&i<3;i++)
      Print(history_filled[i].OrderCloseTime()," ",(string)history_filled[i].OrderProfitNet());
   MQL4Order *order = history_filled.GetLastNode();
   for(int i=0;i<3 && order!=NULL;i++,order=order.Prev())
      Print(order.OrderCloseTime()," ",(string)order.OrderProfitNet());



hi in this way the function is working

   double check_orders_try(void){
     static int count_ord_short = conta_ordini(1);
     static int total = OrdersTotal();
     static double prop_short[100][5];
     static int x=0;
     static int a=1;
     static int b=0;
   for(x=0; x < total; x++)
    if(OrderType() == OP_SELL && b < count_ord_short){
         for(a=1; a < 4; a++){
           prop_short[b][1]= OrderTicket();
        }else if(a==2){
          prop_short[b][2]= OrderTakeProfit();
        }else if(a==3){
          prop_short[b][3]= OrderStopLoss();
        return prop_short[x][1];
        return prop_short[x][2];
        return prop_short[x][3];
    count_ord_short = conta_ordini(1);

if i make an alert or print inside the function its all right, but if i try to "pull out" the result from the function is not working yet. Maybe some mistakes with "return"



^^ this is not working yet. If I do the same inside the function yes.


now it works...just 0 is the oldest order not the newest...i'll have to invert something maybe

 double check_orders_try(int array_part_1, int array_part_2){
     static int count_ord_short = conta_ordini(1);
     static int total = OrdersTotal();
     static double prop_short[100][5];
     static int x=0;
     static int a=1;
     static int b=0;
   for(x=0; x < total; x++)
    if(OrderType() == OP_SELL && b < count_ord_short ){
         for(a=1; a < 4; a++){
           prop_short[b][1]= OrderTicket();
        }else if(a==2){
          prop_short[b][2]= OrderTakeProfit();
        }else if(a==3){
          prop_short[b][3]= OrderStopLoss();
    count_ord_short = conta_ordini(1);

and the call

result_try = check_orders_try(2,3);
