Show conditional inputs in EA


Is it possible to have conditional inputs on an EA?

For example, let's say I have this three enums

enum Condition

enum FooCondition

enum BarCondition

Now, I want to add it as inputs to my EA, so, first I add a input for the Condition enum:

input Condition condition_input = Foo;

This will give me the option to choose between Foo and Bar conditions.

Now, what I want is that my second input relates to the first one, so if Foo is selected for condition_input, then the second input should be the FooCondition enum, and if Bar condition is selected, then the second input should be BarCondition.

Something like this:

if (input_condition == Foo)
  input FooCondition second_condition = Foo1;
else if (input_condition == Bar)
  input BarCondition second_condition = Bar1;

Is that possible?


sezaru: Is that possible?
