Using template to define n-dimension array


I understand that template <typename T> can be used to define a container class of type T at compile time.  For example:

template <typename T>
class C1dArray
T m_array[];
// and methods that deal with 1darray operations

I can define C1dArray<int> and it will be an array of integers, C1dArray<double> and it will be an array of double.

So I started to define 2d array with the following definition:

template <typename T>
class C2dArray
 C1dArray<T> m_array[];
 // and methods that deal with 2darray operations

Good, now I can use 2darray that contain any type I need.

Problem now, I like to define ndarray, but how to do it without create classes C3dArray, class C4darray, and repeat all the same methods that are coded in C2dArray?


Problem now, I like to define ndarray, but how to do it without create classes C3dArray, class C4darray, and repeat all the same methods that are coded in C2dArray?

template <typename T>
class CArray
T m_array[];
// and methods that deal with 1darray operations

void OnStart()
  CArray<CArray<CArray<int>>> Array;

Very ingenious way of using template.  Thanks for the tip :-)
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  • 2017.10.12
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