How to run backtest history data


Hi, excuse my english, thanks.

How to run backtest use ONLY historical data?

I have .hst files by historical.

I tried -> reeplace .hst to .fxt file in folder "tester/history", not result reason new file created and system replace archive,

The file I think does not take it when it is not supported, I am onlye change .hst to .fxt, is other type file, But I tried

I put the file in the broker folder, But, still download the data (even if they are)

I've tried creating the new server folder (fake server), but I've never managed to connect.

How the data download system works and how can I do a backtest with historical data.
Or how can I create the .fxt files and have the backtest immediately take that data? Or how can I use the data of an offline graphic for the backtest?

Very thanks and grettings. 

sjmotos: How to run backtest use ONLY historical data?

I have .hst files by historical.

I tried -> reeplace .hst to .fxt file in folder "tester/history", not result reason new file created and system replace archive,

Or how can I create the .fxt files and have the backtest immediately take that data? Or how can I use the data of an offline graphic for the backtest?

Back-tests are already by definition, tests on Historical data. MetaTrader already generates FXT files based off your HST files. You cannot simply rename HST files into FXT files, because HST files don't have tick information.

In order to make your own FXT files with tick data you have to use 3rd Party tools. Do a Google search for "TickStory" and "Tick Data Suite". Both will give you what you want.

If I can give you a tip forget all the backtests, every year the markets constantly undergo manipulations so everything you get IN a backtest will never make you good reliability of success.