ChartSaveTemplate() in another path


Hi folks,

Is possible to save a template in "\Files" path instead of "\Profiles\Templates"?

I'm trying

ChartSaveTemplate(0, "..\\..\\Files\\MyTamplate.tpl")

and a lot of variations, but nothing works.

After save that, I will check some detais inside my EA, so I will open it by FileOpen(), that works only in "Files" folder.


Gustavo Hennemann:

Hi folks,

Is possible to save a template in "\Files" path instead of "\Profiles\Templates"?

I'm trying

and a lot of variations, but nothing works.

After save that, I will check some detais inside my EA, so I will open it by FileOpen(), that works only in "Files" folder.


It is sand-boxed, so I doubt you will be able to do that by "normal" means. Here are some choices:

  • Use WinAPI to move or copy the file across after it is saved (requires DLL access)
  • Use NTFS Junctions or Hard-Linked Directories to create a common sub-folder between the two directories (does not require DLL access).
Gustavo Hennemann:

Hi folks,

Is possible to save a template in "\Files" path instead of "\Profiles\Templates"?

I'm trying

and a lot of variations, but nothing works.

After save that, I will check some detais inside my EA, so I will open it by FileOpen(), that works only in "Files" folder.


ChartSaveTemplate(0, "\\Files\\MyTamplate.tpl")

Alain Verleyen:

ChartSaveTemplate(0, "\\Files\\MyTamplate.tpl")

Hi @Alain Verleyen,

I don't know why but this path I didn't try, and it works!

Gustavo Hennemann:

Hi @Alain Verleyen,

I don't know why but this path I didn't try, and it works!
