Confusion about classes CiHigh, CiLow, CiOpen and CiClose in MQL5 Reference - GetData



just in this very minute I'm a little bit confused about the description of the method "GetData" for the classes CiHigh, CiLow, CiOpen and CiClose in the MQL5 reference  / Standard Library / Classes for working with Indicators / Timeseries classes:

I do not find the description of the function


double GetData(const int index) const

 I expected this and wrote a code calling this function exactly in this way and - what a surprise - I can compile it without any errors and the program runs correctly.


 Possibly this could be added to the reference documentation.


 Another point I discovered is the description of the method "At" for the class CDoubleBuffer in the MQL5 reference  / Standard Library / Classes for working with Indicators / Base classes:

I expect a double type for the return value, but in the description there is a "long"??


I'm an absolute beginner and perhaps I'm completely wrong here.  In this case I apologize for any inconvenience.




 Another point I discovered is the description of the method "At" for the class CDoubleBuffer in the MQL5 reference  / Standard Library / Classes for working with Indicators / Base classes:

I expect a double type for the return value, but in the description there is a "long"??


I'm an absolute beginner and perhaps I'm completely wrong here.  In this case I apologize for any inconvenience.



You are right about this point. It's an error in the documentation. I suggest you to report it to ServiceDesk.

I don't understand your first point about GetData. Ok I get it now.

CiHigh and similar classes are derived from CPriceSeries, which also have a GetData method.



thanks for the quick answer.

CiHigh and similar classes : I see what you mean. Now I can find the missing description.

I'm learning more and more.....


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