Why you not buy a ready made experts from the market?! Who is better?

  • 28% (9)
  • 6% (2)
  • 66% (21)
Total voters: 32

Market EA is for people who don't want to stare at their screen all day.

I think people prefer their own idea, even if it's a bad idea. You can explain to them in 1000 ways why that idea is not going to be profitable, but they are not convinced until they see it by their own eyes.

I think that all experts make a profit only at some small time. But in general, all experts reduce the amount of the deposit. Despite this, some developers experts are able to make a profit with the help of their Expert, because they know how their expert works. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy a ready made expert. It makes sense to earn hands or develop your own expert.


A trader who has 0 experience in programming forex and searching a programmer

A successful trader doesn't want to sell anything in the Market.

A developer who has 0 experience in forex and he is expert in programming only

An expert in programming can't sell anything successful in the Market.

Or a programmer who is a professional trader since long years as well who already build his own experts to help himself and others

That doesn't exist, or is very rare, and you will probably never meet him/her.

Everyone can try or learn to trade, to code, or anything else. You can even start to become good, in several domains.

But becoming a highly qualified and experimented "something" takes years of learning and practice, or even dozens of years. And the skills to become a high level trader or a high level coder are so different, that it's very unlikely to find them on the same person.

And if I was at the same level in trading as in coding, you can be sure I will not waste my time here

Of course, all is relative, what is "successful", what is "highly qualified and experimented", etc... so no need to start arguing, I don't care, except if you add something really useful, which I rarely see here.

Pleaaase prove me I am wrong, I would be soooo grateful.

It makes me sad because the chance exists that you do become highly skilled and then after all these years, start puting your creations to practice, just to discover that the real world is not what you thought it would be and it can leave you puzzled about how to proceed...

Was it worth it or not ?

Marco vd Heijden:

It makes me sad because the chance exists that you do become highly skilled and then after all these years, start puting your creations to practice, just to discover that the real world is not what you thought it would be and it can leave you puzzled about how to proceed...

Was it worth it or not ?

It feels it was not worth it but the faster you realise the idea is bad the better.

In the beggining you become frustrated because you have more ideas and cant build them fast enough , then
you become frustrated because you are very efficient but have no ideas. :D

@Mohammad Soubra

There should be a choice "Someone who caters to what buyers respond to." (J curve backtest, the words "scalping" "frequent trades" "fire and forget").

Lorentzos Roussos:

It feels it was not worth it but the faster you realise the idea is bad the better.

In the beggining you become frustrated because you have more ideas and cant build them fast enough , then
you become frustrated because you are very efficient but have no ideas. :D

@Mohammad Soubra

There should be a choice "Someone who caters to what buyers respond to." (J curve backtest, the words "scalping" "frequent trades" "fire and forget").

Thanks for sharing your opinion Lorentzos
But why my name is included there?
Mohammad Soubra:
Thanks for sharing your opinion Lorentzos
But why my name is included there?

the part below your name is adressed to you the author of this poll , implies it would be nice to have another fourth choice in a humorous manner :)

Lorentzos Roussos:

the part below your name is adressed to you the author of this poll , implies it would be nice to have another fourth choice in a humorous manner :)

I am really happy to see your reply to me and to Marco.
But really i haven't understand your language.
Mohammad Soubra:
I am really happy to see your reply to me and to Marco.
But really i haven't understand your language.

ehehe , no problem , we both love coding ;)