Delayed drawing and chart updating with MT5/MQL5 - page 4


The Class definition is CBidAsk : public CWndBmd : public CWnd : public CVObject : public CObject : public CStruct

Embedded objects:

The m_Canvas object is CCanvasExt : public CCanvas : public CObject : public CStruct

The m_symbol object is CSymbolInfoExt : pubic CSymbol : public CObject : public CStruct

Example of output/result:


Source of OnRedraw()

It starts with a time-measurement which ensures, that the update will not be executed more often than the human eye can recognize (20fps). Afterwards some light shading is applied with another function which uses a "bit" of math too ;)

The class does not execute a ChartRedraw() - it just sets a flag that the chart needs to be redrawn.

         //|  Redraw content                                                  |
         virtual bool            OnRedraw(void) 
         //--- Implement a timer execution which results in an update not more
         //    often than every n msecs, as specified in constructor
               #define showboth (m_showprices==BIDASK_SHOW_BIDASK)
               #ifdef __MQL4__
               if (m_showprices<=BIDASK_SHOW_LAST)
         //--- Displayed main price               
               double displayprice=0;
                  case BIDASK_SHOW_LAST   : displayprice=m_symbol.Last(); break;
                  case BIDASK_SHOW_BID    : displayprice=m_symbol.Bid(); break;
                  case BIDASK_SHOW_ASK    : displayprice=m_symbol.Ask(); break;
                  case BIDASK_SHOW_BIDASK : displayprice=m_symbol.Last(); break;
         //--- Bid & ask price               
               if (!BIDASK_SWAPPED)
         //--- Vars            
               int x1=0;
               int y1=0;
               int x2=m_rect.Width()-1;
               int y2=m_rect.Height()-1;
               string price;
               uint argbBrd=COLOR_TO_RGBA(m_colorborder);
               uint argbB  = m_colorbg;
               bool swappedpos = BIDASK_SWAPPED;

         //--- Check positions
               uint argbL  = swappedpos ? m_color2 : m_color1;
               uint argbR  = swappedpos ? m_color1 : m_color2;
               uint argbLB = swappedpos ? COLOR_TO_RGBA(m_colorclick2) : COLOR_TO_RGBA(m_colorclick1);
               uint argbRB = swappedpos ? COLOR_TO_RGBA(m_colorclick1) : COLOR_TO_RGBA(m_colorclick2);
               string textL = swappedpos ? m_textBuy : m_textSell;
               string textR = swappedpos ? m_textSell : m_textBuy;
               COLOR_RGBA color1=m_color1;
               COLOR_RGBA color2=m_color2;

            //--- Show both?
               int x2leftprice = showboth ? m_xmid : x2;
               int x1rightprice = showboth ? m_xmid : x1;
            //--- Erase               
            //--- Draw rectangular area               
               if (m_colorborder!=clrNONE)

            //--- Lower area prepare   
               if (m_spacebelow>0)
            //-- Spread line
               int spreadsizey=0;
               int fontsizespread=0;
               if (m_showspread)
               //--- Show spread
                  m_Canvas.FontSet(m_fontname, fontsizespread);
                  double spreadpips=GetSpreadInPips();
                  if (m_spreadabsolute)
                     price=_DoubleToString(ABS(m_price2-m_price1)+m_symbol.PointsToPrice(m_symbol.CommissionSpreadPts()),m_digits==0 ? 1 : m_digits) + " (abs)";
                  if (m_symbol.CommissionSpreadPts()>0)
                     price+=" *";   

                  uint argbSpread = spreadpips>m_spreadwarnthreshold ? COLOR_TO_RGBA(m_spreadwarncolor) : m_colorspread;
                  m_Canvas.TextOutRect(x1,m_ybase+1,x2,m_spreadbottom,price,argbSpread,ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_TOP);

               //--- Show red/green line or one
               //    At least lower area or spread must be shown
                  if (m_showspread || m_spacebelow>0)
                     if (m_clickactive || showboth)

            //--- Middle line
               if (showboth)   

            //--- Button pressed
               int xshiftL=0, yshiftL=0;
               int xshiftR=0, yshiftR=0;
               if (m_mousedown==1 && VO_IS_ACTIVE)
                  int xright = showboth ? m_xmid : x2;
                  uint edge = showboth ? ROUNDRECT_EDGE_LT : ROUNDRECT_EDGE_LT|ROUNDRECT_EDGE_RT;
                  if (!showboth)
                  if (_ColorBrightness(argbLB)>0.5)
               else if (m_mousedown==2 && VO_IS_ACTIVE)
                  int xleft = showboth ? m_xmid : x1;
                  uint edge = showboth ? ROUNDRECT_EDGE_RT : ROUNDRECT_EDGE_LT|ROUNDRECT_EDGE_RT;
                  if (!showboth)
                  if (_ColorBrightness(argbRB)>0.5)
            //--- SELL/BUY labels
               if (m_showlabels)//!m_showboth && m_clickactive)

            //--- Prices (bid/ask already swapped in Price())
            //    For the case we want to see the ask only, we need to re-swap
               double price1=m_price1;
               double price2=m_price2;

               if (m_showprices==BIDASK_SHOW_ASK)

            //--- Calculate font size
               int fontsize= showboth ? m_fontsize : (int)(double(m_fontsize*1.2));
               int fontsizebig = (int)(double(fontsize*1.5));
               int fontsizesmall = (int)(double(fontsize*0.6));


               if (showboth || !swappedpos)
               //--- Price left   
                  price=showboth ? _DoubleToString(price1,m_digits) : _DoubleToString(displayprice,m_digits);
                  int len=StringLen(price);
                  int bignumbers=MIN(len-m_smallnumbersright,m_bignumbersright);
            //--- Exit if not both prices are shown
               if (showboth || swappedpos)
               // Price right   2
                  price=showboth ? _DoubleToString(price2,m_digits) : _DoubleToString(displayprice,m_digits);
                  int len=StringLen(price);
                  int bignumbers=MIN(len-m_smallnumbersright,m_bignumbersright);
               return true;

If you say it.



Doerk Hilger:


I am trying to help. What can I do with your previous post ? nothing...

I also tried your code with MathMod() and didn't get an answer ?


You asked for some sample source code and I posted it?! If you take a look at the class definition, you see that its impossible to post all the code which is executed during a drawing process cause it´s nested too deep. I cannot post something that you can compile just like that. 

About MathMod ... this is just an example. You can increase the loop count and use anything else to make your own tests. 

Doerk Hilger:

You asked for some sample source code and I posted it?! If you take a look at the class definition, you see that its impossible to post all the code which is executed during a drawing process cause it´s nested too deep. I cannot post something that you can compile just like that. 

About MathMod ... this is just an example. You can increase the loop count and use anything else to make your own tests. 

If you can't even post a working example, I can't help.

I really hope you will find solution(s).

Alain Verleyen:

If you can't even post a working example, I can't help.

I really hope you will find solution(s).

I will somehow as always. Thank you.


There is a solution for this.

First you must disable auto scroll. Then you will get a tiny grey triangle at the bottom of the chart. Move this triangle to the bar you want to use as the "lock".

Now when you zoom, it will stay in place, on the selected bar. When you change timeframe, it is reset though. 

You can also use "home" and "end" buttons to navigate to first and last bar of the chart.

Hope this helps!