Best PC spec for MT4


Hi ALL, someone please advise me the most suitable PC spec for MT4 which only work single thread so high spec CPU like Intel Core i9 would not perform well as expected.

However, I believe the spec of CPU might be the best solution for avoiding chart freezing esp at the heavy deal time form LDN time to NY time.



MT4 platform are not specs hungry application, it can work without problem on a dual core processor, 2gb mem unit, but If you can afford a higher specs then the better, but i9 can be an overkill just for the purpose of using MT4 platform. You can save a lot by using an i3 or i5 processor unit. 


You might need a quantum computer in order to make a profit.

Do you really think it matters that much?

The art is to make as much as possible while using as little as possible.

I can do it on a P3 650Mhz with 512 Mb's of ram.

Many people have been using that in the past.

Why would you then all of a sudden need something like an Intel Core i9 ?

Can you tell me that ?

Marco vd Heijden:

You might need a quantum computer in order to make a profit.

Do you really think it matters that much?

The art is to make as much as possible while using as little as possible.

I can do it on a P3 650Mhz with 512 Mb's of ram.

Many people have been using that in the past.

Why would you then all of a sudden need something like an Intel Core i9 ?

Can you tell me that ?

Lol, we know, that the 90% answer is - because my charts get frozen when I use this and that indicators deployed on those 512k candles long charts.

So the easy solution is not in the hardware, but making charts shorter and avoiding poorly coded indicators - if he can identify them.

Marco vd Heijden:

You might need a quantum computer in order to make a profit.

Do you really think it matters that much?

The art is to make as much as possible while using as little as possible.

I can do it on a P3 650Mhz with 512 Mb's of ram.

Many people have been using that in the past.

Why would you then all of a sudden need something like an Intel Core i9 ?

Can you tell me that ?

This is too under specs, why would you use such a specs in trading? when you buy a piece of hardware be it laptop or desktop you have to consider the use of other applications that you will use and not just MT4 or MT5, so if you are using such hardware for video rendering or something that requires high specs then it would be much better to invest in something faster unit as long that you have the budget, but of course trading results is not in relation to the hardware that the trader is using.

Angelito Cartagena:

This is too under specs, why would you use such a specs in trading?

Because the hardware still works, and still is making profits.

Is that not all a trader needs ?

Angelito Cartagena:

 it would be much better to invest in something faster unit as long that you have the budget,

Your reply is invalid.

You have to explain why it would be much better.

Say you have this system and it's generating stable profits, then why would you all of a sudden one day decide that it needs an i9 ? Why?

Tell me why it would be much better.

A professional trader has a system solely for trading only.

Because in reality you don't have to touch or upgrade a system that is generating profits.
And you better not touch it because my experience is that your gonna regret it if you do.

It's very delicate to set up a system and it's even more delicate to set up or replicate it on other hard and software systems.

I ain't touching my golden goose... I don't care that you say that it needs an upgrade... I am not listening to you.

The only thing i do is remove the dust it gathers, occasionally.

I can't close the lid because i am afraid that it will enter sleep or hibernate.

I know you can set what to do when you close the lid, but like i said, i ain't touching it.

Actually i have 3 of those ancient systems humming along quite nicely...

Each of them consumes about 30Watts..

You want me to swap them for 3 core nines but its not going to happen.


Marco vd Heijden:

Because the hardware still works, and still is making profits.

Is that not all a trader needs ?

Your reply is invalid.


You want me to swap them for 3 core nines but its not going to happen.


It will always depend on the person that using the particular unit, in short it is a matter of choice, if you dont want to upgrade then its fine, while if trade A want to upgrade to it is also fine, the thing here is that MT4 and MT5 are not really a complex application to configure so it is so much easy to migrate to a new system, again as I have said desktop or laptop's are not just for use on a particular purpose(unless you intend to run an EA 24/7) for majority of traders, so most of the time they will be use for some other hardware hungry application, such as Autocadd, Photoshop, Video Editing,etc.

So, there must be no point of argument whether to upgrade or not to upgrade, it is a matter of preference by the trader, so I hope we are clear on this point. But one thing sure MT4 platform can run with no problem on vintage PC which is advantageous for traders.

Now one more thing, in the point of "professional traders must have a dedicated unit to use", in general this true but it will not always be the case unless you are using an EA or involve into HFT activities, but if you are trading in the daily chart which in this case you only have to look your chart a few minutes every US session close, I guess it is not that necessary to have dedicated unit, of course again it is a matter of preference. So, good luck on your trading and God bless!  



MT4 or 5 not need Super PC but if you day trader you need a good PC that you can trade and brows internet for news, analysis and to have fun from time to time like watching music or videos to change mood, What very important for me is a good PC (not super PC) with big high resolution Display, the display MUST be 27 inch in 2K or more to see the chart clearly and you can watch many charts in the same time, I will show you some examples:

here my PC on 2K (2560 x 1440):

here is the same screen in 1368 x 768

OR in 1368 x 768:

and in 2K:


Angelito Cartagena:

It will always depend on the person that using the particular unit, in short it is a matter of choice, if you dont want to upgrade then its fine, while if trade A want to upgrade to it is also fine, the thing here is that MT4 and MT5 are not really a complex application to configure so it is so much easy to migrate to a new system, again as I have said desktop or laptop's are not just for use on a particular purpose(unless you intend to run an EA 24/7) for majority of traders, so most of the time they will be use for some other hardware hungry application, such as Autocadd, Photoshop, Video Editing,etc.

So, there must be no point of argument whether to upgrade or not to upgrade, it is a matter of preference by the trader, so I hope we are clear on this point. But one thing sure MT4 platform can run with no problem on vintage PC which is advantageous for traders.

Now one more thing, in the point of "professional traders must have a dedicated unit to use", in general this true but it will not always be the case unless you are using an EA or involve into HFT activities, but if you are trading in the daily chart which in this case you only have to look your chart a few minutes every US session close, I guess it is not that necessary to have dedicated unit, of course again it is a matter of preference. So, good luck on your trading and God bless!  

I have told you what is, and you can twist and turn your words for as long as you wish but it is not going to change anything.

Its all assumptions on your side, and i can tell that you haven't experienced it yet.

I thought i was clear

  • One system for trading, no Autocad, no Photoshop no Video editing no NOTHING but trading.
  • Run it for as long as it will run, until the operating system becomes unsupported, or it breaks down physically.
  • That's it.

Quite simple.

  • If you do buy new hardware, keep the old hardware running, not an upgrade but an extension.

And this is not a matter of preference because the day i switched it on your core 9 wasn't even available.

And you have to run it for as long as possible so there is no matter of preference, there is only very strong rules to follow.

If i had to switch it off for an upgrade because the core 9 became available in the meantime, i would have to break rule 2 and it's not going to happen.

The reason that i am so aggressive, is because you want to convince me to take down a working profitable system, which is NEVER a good idea, and i will not EVER follow your advice.

So if people read this and think they need an upgrade they now know it's not necessary, and they better not touch their system until it literally breaks down or falls apart.

Marco vd Heijden:

I have told you what is, and you can twist and turn your words for as long as you wish but it is not going to change anything.

Its all assumptions on your side, and i can tell that you haven't experienced it yet.

I thought i was clear

  • One system for trading, no Autocad, no Photoshop no Video editing no NOTHING but trading.
  • Run it for as long as it will run, until the operating system becomes unsupported, or it breaks down physically.
  • That's it.

Quite simple.

  • If you do buy new hardware, keep the old hardware running, not an upgrade but an extension.

And this is not a matter of preference because the day i switched it on your core 9 wasn't even available.

And you have to run it for as long as possible so there is no matter of preference, there is only very strong rules to follow.

If i had to switch it off for an upgrade because the core 9 became available in the meantime, i would have to break rule 2 and it's not going to happen.

The reason that i am so aggressive, is because you want to convince me to take down a working profitable system, which is NEVER a good idea, and i will not EVER follow your advice.

So if people read this and think they need an upgrade they now know it's not necessary, and they better not touch their system until it literally breaks down or falls apart.

We can argue over and over again here regarding this point, but you are trying to insisting a scenario that is bias to your opinion, but again as I have said it will not be the case for all traders.

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