Indicator That Draws Horizontal lines at Zigzag Recent high and low


do anybidy know of an indicator that draws the Horizontal lines at the recent High and low of the zigzag indicator , but does not consider the leg of the zigzag untill and unless it has made a new high or low?
just like shown in the below image.


do anybidy know of an indicator that draws the Horizontal lines at the recent High and low of the zigzag indicator , but does not consider the leg of the zigzag untill and unless it has made a new high or low?
just like shown in the below image.


I thought you can find it here 

Good luck.

Yohana Parmi:


I thought you can find it here 

Good luck.

nope its not there 
before posting this thread i searched it  there but couldnt find it 
anyways thanks for your reply