How to change MarketWatch background color?


I'm legally blind and need a little help. has an MT4 release that is configured to have an aquamarine MarketWatch background.  The text foreground  is blue or red based on the realtime state of the pair.

This color combination is nearly impossible for me to read.  I've used MT4 with a black MarketWatch background without issue. support says too bad.

Does anyone know how I change the background color?  Registry hack?  Replace a bitmap?  Etc.



I'm legally blind and need a little help. has an MT4 release that is configured to have an aquamarine MarketWatch background.  The text foreground  is blue or red based on the realtime state of the pair.

This color combination is nearly impossible for me to read.  I've used MT4 with a black MarketWatch background without issue. support says too bad.

Does anyone know how I change the background color?  Registry hack?  Replace a bitmap?  Etc.


I am afraid it's not easy. I would suggest you to write to ServiceDesk, maybe they can help you more easily.

It's probably buried in a config file somewhere but I've never been able to find it. If Service Desk can't help you, there is a bit of a workaround....

Right click on the market watch window and select pop-up prices (or hit F10). This will bring up a version of the market watch window. If you now right click in that window you can select properties and change the colours, font etc. Hopefully that helps you get around the problem until you can find the solution.