How do I run more than 32 instances of Mt4 on one machine?

I have a very beefy machine for back testing purposes, and I can only open 32 instances of MetaTrade4 on it even though I have resources for it to handle many more. How can I open more than 32 Mt4 Terminals at once?

This thread is two years old, but limitations still apply today:

Max Number of Running Systems on MT4
Max Number of Running Systems on MT4
  • 2015.06.30
MQL5 programming forum
The real question is why do you need 32 terminals when each one can support at least 30 symbols. Your broker doesn't have that many symbols.
Drazen Penic:

This thread is two years old, but limitations still apply today:

Thanks for the thread Drazen.
We can install more than 32 terminals on a platform but only open upto 32 terminals in a single time ?
Am i right ?
I am a bit confused about how many we can install and how many we can open in the same time
Please suggest
Thank you

Simple under Windows, you can run 32 MT4 instances per user!

So create as many users you need and your instances will run in the background. (Tested, 3 users so far)

I like people who always have to ask "why"...

MICHEL EDOUARD M ROELANS #: I like people who always have to ask "why"...

Because their “problem” isn't their real problem.
     How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
          Be precise and informative about your problem
          The XY Problem

Like, opening multiple terminals when they don't know a terminal can have multiple charts.

William Roeder #:

Because their “problem” isn't their real problem.
     How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
          Be precise and informative about your problem
          The XY Problem

Like, opening multiple terminals when they don't know a terminal can have multiple charts.

"... when they don't know a terminal can have multiple charts"

Amazing, after the first installing the default template opens 4 charts. And what to do if you want to subscribe/test 50 free signals together? (Despite I recon it's a waste of time)

MICHEL EDOUARD M ROELANS #:"... when they don't know a terminal can have multiple charts". Amazing, after the first installing the default template opens 4 charts. And what to do if you want to subscribe/test 50 free signals together? (Despite I recon it's a waste of time)

Charts and Signals are two separate issues. You can follow a signal without having any charts open. However, you can only follow one signal per trading account.