Need advice about period loop.


hello, now I need operate different period in my EA, 


1, loop in MT5 periods, like h1,h2, mn1.

2, print period in loop which working, like PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H2....

processes like below

for (iPeriod=h1, iPeriod <=mn1, iPeriod++)


analyze iCCI on iPeriod;   //some operations with iPeriod

Print("Current period is ",iPeriod);


Anyone has experience on this or paste example here? Thanks in advance.

What's your problem actually ? It seems you started well...
  1. Please use SRC for code.

  2. for (iPeriod=h1, iPeriod <=mn1, iPeriod++){
    You can't do that because Chart Timeframes are not consecutive. Incrementing PERIOD_H1 (60) give 61 not PERIOD_H2 (120). You need to create appropriate functions.
    MT4 code:
     /** @defgroup tf Time Frames
     * A simple enumeration of time frames and related functions.
     * @{                                                                         */
    /** Whereas `ENUM_TIMEFRAMES` is all timeframes (supported and unsupported,) but
     * it can't be incremented because it's values is number of minutes,
     * (incrementing M30 would be M31 not H1.) This is a simple enumeration
     * (incrementing this results in the next one.)                               */
    enum Timeframe{      TF_CURRENT,    ///< Place holder for the EA attached chart.
       TF_M1,      TF_M2,      TF_M3,      TF_M4,      TF_M5,      TF_M6,
       TF_M10,     TF_M12,     TF_M15,     TF_M20,     TF_M30,     TF_H1,
       TF_H2,      TF_H3,      TF_H4,      TF_H6,      TF_H8,      TF_H12,
       TF_D1,      TF_W1,      TF_MN1};
       const Timeframe   TF_FIRST = TF_M1;    ///< Smallest supported Timeframe.
       const Timeframe   TF_Last  = TF_MN1;   ///< Largest supported Timeframe.
       #define           TF_COUNT   TF_MN1    /**< Number of supported Timeframe%s
                                      * not including the @ref TF_CURRENT marker. */
    // For converting between periods (as_period) and timeframes (as_timeframe.)
    /// @cond Skip
    const ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  gcPeriods[]={   PERIOD_CURRENT,
    /// @endcond
    /// Convert a period to a timeframe.
    Timeframe            as_timeframe(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period=PERIOD_CURRENT){
       if(period == PERIOD_CURRENT)  period   = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES) _Period;
       Timeframe tf = TF_M1;   while(gcPeriods[tf] < period) ++tf;
       return tf;
    /// Convert a timeframe to a period;
    ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   as_period(Timeframe tf){         return gcPeriods[tf];       }
    /** Returns the next larger timeframe. Larger timeframes should be 5 times
     * larger (approximately,) but M5 to M15 is 3, and M15 to M30 and M30 to H1 is
     * only 2. So for those I skip two sizes. H1 to H4 is 4 so I allow that.      */
    Timeframe         larger(Timeframe tf){
       static const Timeframe  larger[] = {   WRONG_VALUE,
       // TF_M1,      TF_M2,      TF_M3,      TF_M4,      TF_M5,      TF_M6,
          TF_M5,      TF_M10,     TF_M15,     TF_M20,     TF_M30,     TF_M30,
       // TF_M10,     TF_M12,     TF_M15,     TF_M20,     TF_M30,     TF_H1,
          TF_H1,      TF_H1,      TF_H1,      TF_H2,      TF_H2,      TF_H4,
       // TF_H2,      TF_H3,      TF_H4,      TF_H6,      TF_H8,      TF_H12,
          TF_H12,     TF_H12,     TF_D1,      TF_D1,      TF_D1,      TF_D1,
       // TF_D1,      TF_W1,      TF_MN1
          TF_W1,      TF_MN1,     WRONG_VALUE};
       return larger[tf];
    ENUM_TIMEFRAMES   next_larger(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period){
       return as_period(as_timeframe(period) + 1);
    // defgroup tf Time Frames
    /// @}
Alain Verleyen:
What's your problem actually ? It seems you started well...

  Just mindmap, my problem is transfer it to real code in mql5. :-)

  1. Please use SRC for code.

  2. You can't do that because Chart Timeframes are not consecutive. Incrementing PERIOD_H1 (60) give 61 not PERIOD_H2 (120). You need to create appropriate functions.
    MT4 code:

Thanks your code first, could you please provide code in mql5?

                                 PERIOD_M3,      PERIOD_M4,  PERIOD_M5,
                                 PERIOD_M6,      PERIOD_M10, PERIOD_M12,
                                 PERIOD_M15,     PERIOD_M20, PERIOD_M30,
                                 PERIOD_H1,      PERIOD_H2,  PERIOD_H3,
                                 PERIOD_H4,      PERIOD_H6,  PERIOD_H8,
                                 PERIOD_H12,     PERIOD_D1,  PERIOD_W1,
   for(int i=0; i<22; i++)
      // do your analysis using periods[i]
      Print("Analysed ",EnumToString(periods[i]));
Gang Wu: Thanks your code first, could you please provide code in mql5?

I don't have MT5. I gave you my code. You try to compile it and see if anything needs to change.

Gang Wu:

hello, now I need operate different period in my EA, 


1, loop in MT5 periods, like h1,h2, mn1.

2, print period in loop which working, like PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H2....

processes like below

for (iPeriod=h1, iPeriod <=mn1, iPeriod++)


analyze iCCI on iPeriod;   //some operations with iPeriod

Print("Current period is ",iPeriod);


Anyone has experience on this or paste example here? Thanks in advance.

Yes, you can easily do this if you use an iterator class. Here is one I made for such an occasion. 

Example use:

#include <TimeFrames.mqh>
void OnStart()
   CTimeFrames tfs;  // using all periods when calling the default constructor
   string res = "";
   for(tfs = PERIOD_H1; tfs <= PERIOD_D1;tfs++)
      res+= tfs.ToString()+", ";

You can even filter it down to only use the time-frames you select.

   CTimeFrames f(FLAG_M1|FLAG_M5|FLAG_H1|FLAG_D1); //filtered time-frames using parameterized constructor
   //you could have also call the SetPeriodsByFlags method
   //f.SetPeriodsByFlags(FLAG_M1|FLAG_M5|FLAG_H1); //set timeframes by flags
   f+= PERIOD_M15; // add a time-frame to list
   Print("Added time-frame ",f.ToString());
   Print("Changed time-frame to ",f.ToString());
   res = "";
   for(f.GetFirst();!f.Last();f.Next()) //iterate forward over all time-frames in list
      res+= f.ToString()+", ";
   for(f.GetLast();!f.First();f.Prev()) //iterate backward over all time-frames in list
      res+=f.ToString()+", ";

I don't have MT5. I gave you my code. You try to compile it and see if anything needs to change.

Thank you whoreder1, I have solved it already, thank you again.


your reply very helpful to me,thanks your code. additionally, do you have any idea about period loop? like start from PERIOD_H1 and analyze some symbol info, if failed then escalate to the next, till all conditions are meet.


Yes, you can easily do this if you use an iterator class. Here is one I made for such an occasion. 

Example use:

You can even filter it down to only use the time-frames you select.

Great! your answer and code satisfied my requirements.

I will study/test it, thank you so much.