In real/demo account losing, while back tests start on 100$ and gives Millions/Trillions with DD about 5% - page 8

Chris Mukengeshayi:

Such graph I call them funny graph, sometime I ask my self question "why is it easy to make money on demo and never lose and you end up feeling like a master king of the forex market and once you move onto the live account you start to duplicate the same performance, then all of a sudden after 2 to 3 good month your manual trade start to fail you, you don't understand why the market is going against you on every single trade you open and yet if you test that on demo again it win all trades.Once you move back on to a live account every time you are about open a trade your PC over heat to the point you can't open a trade, you internet connection get turned off, the broker MT platform freeze :-) as soon as the price opportunity pass everything get back to normal" I'm wondering if I'm the only one on this forum who have experienced such thing. With such graph I think broker will not be happy with your good performance of winning. I have turn a $ 100.00 account into a $ 1400.00 first month, second month I ended up with $ 3800.00 third month I started to see all my trade going against me for some reason, and all trade where done manually on a live account. On their demo account I have turned a $ 1000.00 acc into a $ 20 000.00 acc in just 12 days. Today as we are speaking that broker no longer exist, I will not mention the broker's name.

please tell us the broker name 

why not?!

Mohammad Soubra:

the 1st one is a paid highest quality

For sure you didn't set it well in live ! You'd better give another try, dude ! 


When you see a huge difference between live & test, it's more often about spreads, execution delay and all those little things !

He's a millionaire and he doesn't know it yet ! Haha ! 

EDIT : don't forget the commissions in your datas, it doesn't forgive ...


And the swap !

Marco vd Heijden:

And the swap !

No ... the swap, there's more than 100 000+ deals on his report... He catches & releases. I doubt that's the problem ! Commissions++++, it's not easy at all to use in MT4 with the standard tickstory.

Icham Aidibe:

No ... the swap, there's more than 100 000+ deals on his report... He catches & releases. I doubt that's the problem ! Commissions++++, it's not easy at all to use in MT4 with the standard tickstory.

The main problem of backtests vs reality is the abnormal spread conditions (most backtest are done with very low unrealistic spread) and commisions & swaps as Marco pointed out.

I beleive that the brokers have monitoring softwares rather than we do in creating expert.
They use their softwares to monitor the clients' ccounts ..
Icham Aidibe:

Everything related to a plot ? He's lebanese, it's Lebanon's donkey.

Ya 7mar! You gonna have a lot of children in France & Germany ! :-]

Hold hold .. Hahaha
we are (both) Lebanese 
I am Lebanese living in Saudi Arabia (they will  never give me their nationality) and you are Lebanese also but living in France (with French nationality for sure)
Icham Aidibe:

M'hmmad ?!?! You can buy a citizenship in no time. 

Are we speaking about migration ?
the subject was:

In real/demo account losing, while back tests start on 100$ and gives Millions/Trillions with DD about 5%

Mohammad Soubra:
Are we speaking about migration ?
the subject was:

In real/demo account losing, while back tests start on 100$ and gives Millions/Trillions with DD about 5%


You introduced it. I have been clear : spread, commissions & even data quality in your case.

The others participants too have been clear by adding swap to the list.

It happens to forget a detail, it becomes a very sad story when you don't check it again, correct, give up and start lament such way ! 

Come on ! 

EDIT : I remove the offtopic posts, but go ahead ! 

EDIT 2 : take also care off the ram/cpu of the vps

Icham Aidibe:

You introduced it. I have been clear : spread, commissions & even data quality in your case.

The others participants too have been clear by adding swap to the list.

It happens to forget a detail, it becomes a very sad story when you don't check it again, correct, give up and start lament such way ! 

Come on ! 

EDIT : I remove the offtopic posts, but go ahead ! 
Sounds to me that you speak with your self!