Profit or Break even Strategy - page 2

There is everything about grid in CodeBase - search link.
Sergey Golubev:
There is everything about grid in CodeBase - search link.

thanks Sergey appreciated  


here is my strategy Idea? 

am still having one problem!



any idea, clue on how to tackle this problem?


nobody interested? then any advise? 


nobody interested? then any advise? 

Your diagram means something to you, I don't know about others, but I have no idea what you are trying to do or what your problem is.

Post your code with a clear description of what you are trying to achieve and what your problem is and somebody may be able to help you.

Keith Watford:

Your diagram means something to you, I don't know about others, but I have no idea what you are trying to do or what your problem is.

Post your code with a clear description of what you are trying to achieve and what your problem is and somebody may be able to help you.

Dear Keith 

the strategy based on placing Buy/Sell 2 times (4 positions) each 0.1, with a gap of 40 in this case, then we wait for the price to go 20 pips up or down (no difference)

in the example above the price moved 20 pips down, we close the 2 sell positions with +80 profit and place sell 0.2 lot, now our position is break even +80 - 80 right?

 price indicator now is on Sell 0.2, now we wait for the price to move another 20 pips up or down(where else?). 

1- up 20 or any number of pips up we will always be in Break Even situation (we will loss the spreads only).

2- down 20 pips we will open another sell 0.1 (still break even)

now the price indicator is on Sell 0.1 , we will wait for the price move 20 pips down or up. 

1- down 20 or any number of pips we will win those pips 20 or 40 or whatever. 

2- up 20 we are in a problem in this case (the price will reach up to sell 0.2) this is my problem, if i close sell 0.2 (0 loss) and price continue moving up we come out with profit also, then what is the problem

the problem: when price reach sell 0.2 and we close it, the price may move down again? we will suffer some losses. this is my case

waiting eagerly for your ideas 


waiting eagerly for your ideas 

I admit to read just briefly the first part of the quoted part I am responding to, because I know this kind of ideas.

You are looking for an always win or be strategy.
I can tell you it does not exist but you think that you are 10 percent away from it. So?

I don't think you are 10 % away from it, so there are no possible answers to wait for.

I can explain of course, it is very simple why there is no strategy with the properties you look for.
But, you seem very sure of it. So, try and update me if you find something.

Amir Yacoby:

I admit to read just briefly the first part of the quoted part I am responding to, because I know this kind of ideas.

You are looking for an always win or be strategy.
I can tell you it does not exist but you think that you are 10 percent away from it. So?

I don't think you are 10 % away from it, so there are no possible answers to wait for.

I can explain of course, it is very simple why there is no strategy with the properties you look for.
But, you seem very sure of it. So, try and update me if you find something.

Dear Amir 

thanks a lot for your feedback, what you mentioned here is true, but strategy that always win or be i believe it exist! am sure it is there, but to reach that level we need to think out of the box!! how? still don't know

but as a hint or a clue, when we face the strategy problem we need to forget about the grid itself and think of different strategy to tackle the problem? the different strategy as i guess should be some kind of hedging with existence situation, that all i can think of now

btw: i have tried many grid idea to solve this problem but the conclusion was this type of approach is wrong, we need different approach


Dear Amir 

thanks a lot for your feedback, what you mentioned here is true, but strategy that always win or be i believe it exist! am sure it is there, but to reach that level we need to think out of the box!! how? still don't know

You can believe whatever you want, but it does not change the facts. The facts are that it is a zero sum game. Do you think money grows on trees? Do you know some party in the forex game that donates money from his pocket? There is no one that gives money, right?

To make it simple,  if a currency market consists of only me and you and our common broker, then whatever your profit is my loss (minus the broker profits from both of us). Right?

So one's side profits is the other side loss. You claim you believe that we both can profit. I ask you where will the money come from? Do you know a donator?