Editing and publishing EA

There would be some programmer who would help me with EA editing so I could offer it here on MQL5.
This is a generated strategy.
I'm not a programmer and I can not publish my strategy on MQL5.
The reward for help would be the automatic strategy.
Thank you in advance for your help.

You can't imagine how much time I have heard such thing.

If you want to sell something, pay a freelancer. Either your strategy is a serious one and it deserves some investments, or it's just a dream and people can't be rewarded with a dream.

Jan Stancel:
Akan ada beberapa programmer yang akan membantu saya dengan pengeditan EA sehingga saya bisa menawarkannya di sini di MQL5.
Ini adalah strategi yang dihasilkan.
Saya bukan programmer dan saya tidak bisa mempublikasikan strategi saya di MQL5.
Hadiah untuk bantuan adalah strategi otomatis.
Terima kasih sebelumnya atas bantuan anda


You can go freelance here to solve your problem.

Besides that also there you can choose develover which you think is good, you can see it with pringkat given user