Is it possible to use Python code with MQL5?

My question is that. How, if it's possible, to use python code with MQL5, for algorithimic trading? Becouse I want to use some Python librarys to make a robot. If it is possible, is there any article about it? But if you just point me the way it would be vry helpful. thx.
Belum ada (belum). Tapi saya menganggap Anda bisa menggunakan metode yang sama seperti yang saya lakukan untuk C # untuk mengikat MQL5 untuk IronPython (lihat artikel saya ).
Ali irwan:
Belum ada (belum). Tapi saya menganggap Anda bisa menggunakan metode yang sama seperti yang saya lakukan untuk C # untuk mengikat MQL5 untuk IronPython (lihat artikel saya ).
Please write in English on this forum.
I found a solution in this article that looks good
MQL5-RPC. Remote Procedure Calls from MQL5: Web Service Access and XML-RPC ATC Analyzer for Fun and Profit
MQL5-RPC. Remote Procedure Calls from MQL5: Web Service Access and XML-RPC ATC Analyzer for Fun and Profit
  • 2011.12.09
  • investeo
This article will describe the MQL5-RPC framework I have built during the last weeks. It covers XML-RPC access basics, description of MQL5 implementation and two real world MQL5-RPC usage examples. First one will be a remote procedure call on an external forex website's webservice and the second one will be a client to our own XML-RPC server...
Pablo Trindade:
I found a solution in this article that looks good

There's also zeromq.

My question is that. How, if it's possible, to use python code with MQL5, for algorithimic trading? Becouse I want to use some Python librarys to make a robot. If it is possible, is there any article about it? But if you just point me the way it would be vry helpful. thx.

I explored this question quite deeply, a brief answer - it is impossible to directly use the python.
Only call the python through external applications (via RPC or ZMQ or pipe.. slow and uneffeicient).

You can see an early draft of an article, currenly not yet translated into English (now in russian, but you can use google translate)

выбор языка, часть 2
Взял смелость и в статье объединяю большие «числогрызы» в одну главу. Они не решат наших задач про «взаимодействие с миром», про GUI, и так далее, но они востребованя. На них, с их помощью, благодаря им делаются и отрабатываюся торговые стратегии. Начну с R, так получилось что с практикой его применения в MT знаком очень плотно. Фактически это...

I suppose you could also roll your own pseudo-api on MT by running a server in an EA and then all you'd need to do is create some basic functions to process simple requests like sending history data, orders, place trades... There's really not a lot of MT functions that would need to be individually recreated. For example, you could lump all SymbolInfo<Type> functions into a JSON response; same goes for account info, etc.