Open prices only testing


From the help:

"In this mode the OHLC prices of 1 minute bars are also generated...",

which makes backtesting extremely slow. Is it possible to somehow disable this?

 I can live with and deal with inaccuracies introduced by MT4 style open prices testing, but I cannot deal with slow backtesting.

For instance, the most basic MA cross EA takes >40 seconds to finish in MT5. MT4 does the job in <2 seconds! 20x faster! So, instead of finishing optimization, for instance, in an hour, the MT5 takes a whole day!

Optimization which takes only a day in MT4 would last almost for a month in MT5...


Kind regards 

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants - Documentation on MQL5
Please provide all details in Servicedesk.  We want to compare both backtestings.

I was away for a while.

Will do it today 


Rosh, it's been two weeks now.

Did you possibly have a look at it?