This forum layout isn't efficient...


MQ can you please add some more categories to better organize this forum? It's so hard to weed out the good threads from the junk... 

General Trading
|_Trading Systems
|_Other Asset classes
|_General Trading Discussion
|_Beginner Developer Section
|_Articles/ Library Comments
|_Beginner Developer Section
|_Articles/ Library Comments
Nice idea but this is a user's forum not Metaquotes.

MQL5 Ltd. == Metaquotes software corp.

Irrelevant. Let me repeat. This is a user's forum provided by MetaQuotes. It is not MetaQuotes. They have not seen your post. If you want them to see your idea, use the Service Desk.
Irrelevant. Let me repeat. This is a user's forum provided by MetaQuotes. It is not MetaQuotes. They have not seen your post. If you want them to see your idea, use the Service Desk.

I had hoped it was implicitly obvious that I was addressing the admin, but since it wasn't... Dear Metaquotes dba MQL5 Ltd. Admin team, please make site better.


I had hoped it was implicitly obvious that I was addressing the admin, but since it wasn't... Dear Metaquotes dba MQL5 Ltd. Admin team, please make site better.

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Irrelevant. Let me repeat. This is a user's forum provided by MetaQuotes. It is not MetaQuotes. They have not seen your post. If you want them to see your idea, use the Service Desk.

This brings me to another rant which I will contain within this thread... What's up with the overly hostile mods here on this "user site". I get that there's a hard sell to monetize MQL but is it really necessary for mods to cram freelance down the throats of any newcomer with a novice question?   


Rant? Three times I told you how to get in touch with MetaQuotes. Miguel Angel Vico Alba has also. You have wasted everyone's time with your "hope," and continuing "rant."

We users (not Metaquotes for the fourth time,) send you freeloading, time wasting, snowflakes that expect things to be done for you, for free, to Freelance, because there are no slaves here.

You have only four choices: We're not going to code it for you (although it could happen if you are lucky or the problem is interesting.) We are willing to help you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem. No free help. urgent help.


Rant? Three times I told you how to get in touch with MetaQuotes. Miguel Angel Vico Alba has also. You have wasted everyone's time with your "hope," and continuing "rant."

We users (not Metaquotes for the fourth time,) send you freeloading, time wasting, snowflakes that expect things to be done for you, for free, to Freelance, because there are no slaves here.

This is exactly the hostility I was referring to. I don't see any reason why we can't have a civil discussion without having the MQL police (you) telling us to f*** off. I agree about free-loaders, but I'm one of the more moderately-advanced MQL coders who participates and shares open-source here, and I was attempting to spark a civil conversation and drum up some public support for some much needed changes on this forum. Think about whroeder, if we had newbie sections then maybe your blood wouldn't be so easily boiled.  


This is exactly the hostility I was referring to. I don't see any reason why we can't have a civil discussion without having the MQL police (you) telling us to f*** off. I agree about free-loaders, but I'm one of the more moderately-advanced MQL coders who participates and shares open-source here, and I was attempting to spark a civil conversation and drum up some public support for some much needed changes on this forum. Think about whroeder, if we had newbie sections then maybe your blood wouldn't be so easily boiled.  

Be practical. If you are looking for a change talk to the right person.

I understand your good will. But every thing has its place. And not by much talk here will change something.

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Miguel Angel Vico Alba:

Be practical. If you are looking for a change talk to the right person.

I understand your good will. But every thing has its place. And not by much talk here will change something.

I am being practical. Logic would say that one person requesting a change isn't worth the effort, thus I would be wasting my time by sending in a request form. It will take an open discussion about the issues that make this forum suck (such as hostile mods and cluttered threads) for MQ to even consider investing in change. If this is going to be the one MQL5 site to rule them all, why should the user-base be so complacent?