Trendline style and Width (Thickness)


Hello Every Body ...

Please Help me How Can I Customize My trendline style and thickness in MT5 ...

I wanna Draw a trendline with a specified style But Dash or Dotted Style is Disabled and can not use dotted or dash on this line width (thickness)  ...

I attached a picture for showing my problem ...

Thanks ...

Trendline style and With


Das dot and dashdotdot only work on small line width

Marco vd Heijden:

Das dot and dashdotdot only work on small line width

Thanks ... I am wondering why there is no tricks for modify trend line style in any thickness !

thanks again and please find a solution ...


you can modify the object properties with:


and object properties:

Marco vd Heijden:

you can modify the object properties with:

and object properties:

thanks alot