Mt4 Email alerts does not keep sending notifications?


My setup for the MT4 email alerts was fine and both the test email and test notifications are delivered. and later I receive few emails and notification fine. then it will stop and I won't receive any more notifications. when  I restart the mt4 I will receive old (pending) emails then it stops.

I though I may need to add an auto refresh indicator that may refresh MT4 every 30  seconds or so but still have the same problem.

Please advise


I have a brand new email 2.5 GB capacity with just a couple of emails. then I receive an error message in Journal ' MAIL: failed because there is no enough space for a new message'

is there a limitation to the number of emails from MT4 end?

Limitation is how many per unit time. Don't remember accurate value; try 10/hr max.

Thanks, whroeder1 for quick reply..

Can you explain more.. how I can change that..