Specified account has been used for subscribing to signals. Signals resale is prohibited.

Marco Giampietro: How do I cancel my subscription? I'd like to create my own signal to sell.

You can't share as a signal, an account that has been used to subscribe to other signals in the past (because your history will be part of some other signal's history).

You have to start over with a new account.


4. If you want to buy a product or a signal, provide its name and the link to it.

Specified account has been used for subscribing to signals. Signals resale is prohibited.

I wanna be a signal provider. I am not suscribed to signals right now.

805911217: 4. If you want to buy a product or a signal, provide its name and the link to it. Specified account has been used for subscribing to signals. Signals resale is prohibited. I wanna be a signal provider. I am not suscribed to signals right now.

Don't double post, I've already answered you.

Eleni Anna Branou #: Don't double post, I've already answered you.

I am sure the technology exist to capture the information starting after the person has removed their subscription, this should be a easy 1,2

Doing this is essentially asking the person to restart all their achievements from scratch because when you started trading you sought advice, that doesn't make sense.