IG Index OrderSend - page 2

  1. Doesn't work" is meaningless - just like saying the car doesn't work. Doesn't start, won't go in gear, no electrical, missing the key, flat tires - meaningless. There are no mind readers here. What's the error code. <<<< I Get Error #0
  2. Slippage is 3, but 3 what? You are not adjusting SL, TP, and slippage; for 4/5 digit brokers and for JPY pairs. See item 3 <<< is the slippage not Bid +-3 pips?
  3. Google says FTSE100 is around 7500. What is your SL? <<<< Is stoploss not Bid +-10 pips
  4. You buy at the Ask and sell at the Bid. Therefor your buy order stops are relative to the Bid, and sell order stops the Ask.What happens to your TP if the spread is more than your 10. <<<< I thought the spread was fixed on market (FTSE100) is it not 1 pip can it be 10 pips!!!
This is why I didn't want to supply the code, I wanted someone who has worked with IG Index or is a guru to write a sample line of code as I have managed to totally confuse myself and that line of code.

scarr: unless your going to actually help me please do not reply.
  1. Error #0 is not an error. Don't look at _LastError unless you have an error.
  2. Yes it "is the slippage, not Bid +- 3 pips." but you didn't answer the question. Slippage is in points. If the spread is 100 point, do you think you will get errors with a slippage of 3? You ignored the links provided.
  3. ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,1,Bid,3,10,Bid-10,"My order",16384,0,clrGreen);
    I asked what you "What is your SL?" Your answered "Is stoploss not Bid +-10 pips" is not what the code has. You didn't answer the question.
  4. What you thought is irrelevant. Measure it. Code for it. PIPs as no meaning outside of currencies. You ignored the link provided.
  5. Don't supply the code, expect mind readers to help you.
  6. Don't be rude, or you won't get any help. We're not going to code it for you.