High Low question ask for help


How can I get the past day range ( highest-lowest) from Bar[N] to Bar[1] ? 

thanks for help everyone . 

Read in the reference of the editor (F1) about iHighest() and iLowest() (write it, put the cursor above the word and press F1) and the example there.
Carl Schreiber:
Read in the reference of the editor (F1) about iHighest() and iLowest() (write it, put the cursor above the word and press F1) and the example there.

Yes , I know it's like double high1=iHighest(NULL,1440,MODE_HIGH,i);

but i dont know how can I store from bar[i] to bar[0]

Tsz Ho Chow:

Yes , I know it's like double high1=iHighest(NULL,1440,MODE_HIGH,i);

but i dont know how can I store from bar[i] to bar[0]

okok thanks , and done . i know how to do it lol 

Tsz Ho Chow: I know it's like double high1=iHighest(NULL,1440,MODE_HIGH,i); and done . i know how to do it lol 
  1. "How can I get the past day range from Bar[N] to Bar[1]" is ambiguous. Do you mean the last 24 hours, last 24 hours of trading, or the last daily bar's range?
  2. If you are accessing the D1 timeframe, you must handle 4066/4073 errors. See Download history in MQL4 EA - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum
  3. If you mean the last 24 hours, don't assume that all bars are present, you must use iBarShift. "Free-of-Holes" Charts - MQL4 Articles.
  4. If you mean the last 24 trading hours, use the H1 chart and handle #2.