Scaling Bitmap - page 7

Nikolai Semko #:

I didn't work much with files. I can't figure out how to load a png file into a uchar array without renaming the file. After all, FileReadArray() only reads *.bin files.

I want the input to be the string "path" to the png file, and the output bitmap is an array of uint.

From a resourced file ? 

Lorentzos Roussos #:

From a resourced file ? 

Resource and (or) file
Lorentzos Roussos #:

great that would be a good publication . 


Code Base


Nikolai Semko, 2023.07.15 07:24

Forget about BMP files like a bad dream. With this library, you will now be able to use the more advanced and compact PNG image format for your programs.

Nikolai Semko #:


wow , excellent work. i'm jealous  😇 👏

Yes, but you need some talent and a lot of work to draw a bitmap of for instance coins image in one size. 
How do you scale a vector graphic in mql5?

Create a canvas of the right size — draw a circle — fill it with the color of a shadow — then draw a circle with a shift — fill it with the color of gold.
In the center we print a symbol of currency — the coin is ready.