Can not use Freelance Service last 2 days.


I have been registered as a seller last 2 years, but last 2 days it looks like i can not use Freelance service.

I can proceed deposits/withdrawals, open new signal, add product to market, send messages etc, not obvious ban reason.

I have access to Freelance session, but "Open new Job" and "Take part"  (either for public or for personal Jobs) buttons has been disappeared.

Does anyone know anything about that issue?

Konstantinos Papamarkou:

I have been registered as a seller last 2 years, but last 2 days it looks like i can not use Freelance service.

I can proceed deposits/withdrawals, open new signal, add product to market, send messages etc, not obvious ban reason.

I have access to Freelance session, but "Open new Job" and "Take part"  (either for public or for personal Jobs) buttons has been disappeared.

Does anyone know anything about that issue?

Did you contact with the service desk?
Sergey Golubev:

Did you contact with the service desk?

I have sent them today, but today is Sunday, i think that tomorrow is also non-working day, so i wanted to see if someone has a quicker solution than 2-day waiting time.

The bad situation is that i indeed have personal Jobs from Friday which are waiting for participation, and as known, if you do not respond soon, they just select another developer.

Konstantinos Papamarkou:

I have sent them today, but today is Sunday, i think that tomorrow is also non-working day, so i wanted to see if someone has a quicker solution than 2-day waiting time.

The bad situation is that i indeed have personal Jobs from Friday which are waiting for participation, and as known, if you do not respond soon, they just select another developer.

  • it is your personal bug in Freelance and they will fix it; :)
  • or you participated in the job with decompiled code and Freelance service moderator banned you from the service for some time;
  • or any other other reason ...
Anyway, tomorrow is Monday so you should contact with them because the service desk only can check and fix it (forum moderators are not moderating the services such as the Signals, the Market and Freelance; the service moderators are in the service desk).

Sergey Golubev:

  • it is your personal bug in Freelance and they will fix it; :)
  • or you participated in the job with decompiled code and Freelance service moderator banned you from the service for some time;
  • or any other other reason ...
Anyway, tomorrow is Monday so you should contact with them because the service desk only can check and fix it (forum moderators are not moderating the services such as the Signals, the Market and Freelance; the service moderators are in the service desk).

Hmm for decompilation i had been banned in the past but i could not do anything, even could not send private message, and there was a red line on the top of the page with the date of ban.

No i can do everything, no red line in the top, not obvious ban expiration date, except New job and participation.

Hope it is a personal bug or something else, i will contact with them, thanks a lot.

Konstantinos Papamarkou:

I have sent them today, but today is Sunday, i think that tomorrow is also non-working day, so i wanted to see if someone has a quicker solution than 2-day waiting time.

The bad situation is that i indeed have personal Jobs from Friday which are waiting for participation, and as known, if you do not respond soon, they just select another developer.

I just checked your 'Profile - Freelance - Developer' and see that one job from Friday was deleted ... you can check it too.
I am not moderating the Freelance/Signals/Market but from what I understand - the job may be deleted because of decompillation for example ...

So, you can not participate in this job because of no job ... deleted ...

  1. if you banned from the service (banned from Freelance, not from MQL5 forum etc) so contact with the service desk (they only can fix it).
  2. if you did not ban from the Freelance service so not a problem.
Sergey Golubev:

I just checked your 'Profile - Freelance - Developer' and see that one job from Friday was deleted ... you can check it too.
I am not moderating the Freelance/Signals/Market but from what I understand - the job may be deleted because of decompillation for example ...

So, you can not participate in this job because of no job ... deleted ...

  1. if you banned from the service (banned from Freelance, not from MQL5 forum etc) so contact with the service desk (they only can fix it).
  2. if you did not ban from the Freelance service so not a problem.

I see, the bad situation is that 95% of customers asks for modifications, but did not clarify if they have mq4 file, so easily can be marked as "decompilation" without you know it, i suppose. 

It is not for this job, i have personal Jobs that exist and cannot take part, they are visible but there is not "Take part" button, the same with public jobs. So it is situation (1)

Hope it is just a bug, not a permanent ban for any reason.

<Duplicated post removed>
i'm facing the same situation since Thursday night  , I can't apply to any JOB in Free lance section , the takr part is not visible , I contacted the  service disk on Friday but not yet responded . I think there are new rules for freelancing  because I don't see a many of developers respond to Jobs within the last 2 days as usual
Mohamed Nabil:
i'm facing the same situation since Thursday night  , I can't apply to any JOB in Free lance section , the takr part is not visible , I contacted the  service disk on Friday but not yet responded . I think there are new rules for freelancing  because I don't see a many of developers respond to Jobs within the last 2 days as usual

So if you face the same situation and we can use all other services of MQL5, then possibly it is not a ban but a bug for few developers, that we hope that it will be fixed soon.
Konstantinos Papamarkou:

So if you face the same situation and we can use all other services of MQL5, then possibly it is not a ban but a bug for few developers, that we hope that it will be fixed soon.

yea I hope so