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On employment this time, Investors were turning their attention to Friday’s government nonfarm payrolls report for further indications on the future possible direction of monetary policy.On Wednesday, reports from the private sector in the United States had revealed that the sector had put on an additional 212,000 jobs. Although this was less than was expected as the market was expecting an increase in the range of over 219,000 jobs


The EUR/USD had picked up a little, climbing up by a margin of 0.0021 or better put a little above 19% as of afternoon for the US trading, Before making the daily high of 1.0650, the pair had dropped down below 1.057 hours ealier as for the session of overnight trading. The EUR/USD probably found support at 1.05 (which places it at a 12-year low reading from last week) before it could find resistance at $1.14.


As regards the Greece situation, the Brussels meeting today didn’t really advance development in talks which were directed at resolving the reform policies which Greece would adopt to ensure a protected bailout package which is yet very significant. By today’s night it is essential they arrive at resolution else it would be pushed forward when Greek Prime Minister meets with Angella Merkel of Germany on Monda


Alexis Tsipras (Prime Minister of Greece) had indicated following EU meeting, the zone’s leaders had met that the talks had given reason to the hope that the euro zone was moving back to economic normalcy, saying that the euro zone seems to be back on track following the earlier indication that the talks had fallen off earlier. All parties to the discussions were targeting a good restoration for full financing to Greece as quickest as possible


Back to Greece, the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tspiras alongside chancellor of Germany, Angel Merkel had put on good spirits publicly when Tspiras had visited Berlin the first time since his elections. Though it was uncertain whether any development had been achieved in the bailout program for Greece from the euro-zone. There were also accusations that the European Central Bank was blackmailing Greece into austerity measures.


In Japan, the February national core which is known as the CPI for which the perishables are not included- though it carries on energy- had climbed by 2.0% which is not up to the 2.1% year-on-year gain which was generally anticipated . The unemployment rate met the 3.5% expectations while the job opportunities to seekers index also arrived at the expected estimation of 1.15.


For the start of Tuesday, preliminary data had revealed that there was a drop in consumer prices in the euro zone. Consumer prices had gone down by a 0.1% margin which is on a year over year regularity. This falls in place matching anticipations in the market following a o.3% decline which was recorded back in February. The GBP/USD had also come down to 1.4789 marking a dip of over 0.10% following data which had revealed that the UK economy is putting on more weight and growing.


Investors are turning their eyes next to the US jobs report to be released imminently on Friday. There have be expectations of increased interest rates. The Canadian dollar had dropped against the euro making the EUR/CAD currency pair putting up 0.14% to climb to 1.3631. The single currency had later located support following data released on the euro zone manufacturing activity which was on a rise in its greatest increase rate since the last May.


On Friday, the third of April 2015, the dollar had moved up a little distance in the Asian markets as a lot of attention had been invested in the outcome of the Iran Nuclear deal and the consequent US jobs data. EUR/USD had traded at 1.0869 coming down a margin of 0.11%. As to the Nuclear deal, there were agreements on a possible nuclear contract that would allow Iran on a controlled uranium enrichment program that could serve its proposed energy needs with the Wes t trying to cut down on their nuclear weapon capacity.


On the condition of Athens, Greece has an IMF payment of about four hundred and fifty million euros which equals about four hundred and ninety four million dollars which would be due for payment by the 9th of April. There has been concrete efforts for the euro zone leaders to keep down payment temporarily while there are critical revolutions in economic policy, There is also the possibility of getting a short term debt auction which refinance 1.4 billion euros notes for six months.