The basics of candlesticks


The default chart type is called a ‘candlestic' chart. This chart type is used frequently in the forex market. A bar on a candlestick chart shows the open, close, high and low prices for the selected period. The body of the candle shows the open and close prices where the wicks show the high and low prices.If the closing price is higher than the opening price of the previous candle, then the candlestick will be blue. If instead the closing price is lower than the opening price of the previous candle, then the candlestick will be red. Candlesticks simply make it easier to see if the trading period ended up or down.


yeah. i like this chart. candelstick is good chart we can see the trend in candle bar. i do not has deep knowledge about it. but i learn some information about it. now i still learn more about it


Please guys since we are discussing chart. I would like someone to explain further on something I was reading through on charts at: