Is there any different between Forex trading and Gambling


As I hear and read, people say, that Forex trading and Gambling both have addictive nature and look like same, But Just want to know that What is the major difference between Forex trading and gambling and why Forex trading is quite different from gambling please share your views.


In Gambling you can NOT effect the end result.

If you toss a fair coin, you could only get head or tail.

You can not control the outcome.

In Forex trading, you CAN effect the end result.

If you place a trade, you could exit the trade at different levels.

You can control the outcome.


There is a great difference between forex and gambling. Gambling is centered on luck but forex is not, gambling does not require you using your skill but forex does, you need to use your mentality in trading forex, you need to study hard before you can trade it successfully but that doesn't go with gambling, You need to follow the market analysis before you can trade and also need to know the movement of the trade and trade in that direction but all these are not required in gambling.


To me, these are the differences -

A gambler is in it for quick bucks. A Trader knows that profits often take time.

A gambler is caught up in the excitement. A Trader knows that the job is boring, repetitive and mundane.

A gambler has the odds against him. A Trader has a back tested edge that, over time, will consistently win.

A gambler focuses on the potential for winning, with no concept of risk. A Trader focuses on the risk before anything, knowing profit will come as an after thought.


if you are trading and do not know what you are doing and basing the results on luck alone then its gambling ad thats the worst possible thing to do since it will end up badly


Many people have the wrong motive about forex trading. Some persons feel that forex trading is same thing as gambling little do they know the differences between them. Forex can be taken as a professional job, this business is not based on luck but gambling is centered on luck.