Reasons for loss

I know this topic many and many people discuss it ,but i have other point of view and other reasons why we may loss our money1)All forex traders, and we mean all traders LOSE money on tradesNinety percent of traders lose money, largely due to lack of planning and training and having poor money management rules2)Trading forex is not for the unemployed, those on low incomes, or who can't afford to pay their electricity bill or afford to eat3)Forex trading is a SKILL that takes TIME to learn. 4)Do NOT open a live trading account until you are trading PROFITABLY on a demo account. i hope if i said other point of view and if any one has any new reasons please share it with us

many reasons why traders suffered loss. lack of knowledge and trading skills bain and have bad psychology is one of the many reasons many traders that loss. for it, before trading real money account, make sure we have the skills and knowledge that a good trading loss can be minimized by good


One of the main reason of earning loss in forex is having lack of patience. Also traders have a misconception that a vague knowledge about market is also sufficient to succeed here.