Professional Trading Strategy - student selection


This thread has been started after certain recent events took place in my personal life and I want to give back to the community while I still can.

I have never mentored / coached anyone, but at this moment I feel this is the right thing to do.

I am NOT affiliated in any way to a broker or company! What I will share with you is the result of my hard work.

I want to make myself clear from he beginning, as I don't like 'blurry' things in any aspect of my life, thus here:

I will share the strategy I have been trading for a long time with ONLY a few people that I will choose. Quality people. All details will be given to everyone, so please have patience with me posting.

English is not my mother language so please forgive me if I will be making a few spelling mistakes along the way.

This thread is not my primary concern at this time and I will try to be as short and concise as I can and making this process of, let's say selection of students, as fast as possible.

I would like the subscribers of this thread to follow a few simple rules:

1. Do not slender the thread (this includes: no discussions of 'systems', of indicators you might think work, no name calling, etc) - if you want to share something with the community please start your own thread.

2. You are welcomed here and will have equal chance to be my student as anyone else (no matter if you are new to trading, experienced) if you want to learn how professionals do it.

3. Show me the way you think, the principles you have in life and don't take wild guesses as to whom I will pick.

4. At the beginning of the thread, please keep your posts as brief as "I want to be your student" or "I subscribe", etc. EDIT:For those of you who want to remain silent / in the dark and don't want to post in the thread, you are free to send me a brief email but I would rather you participate.

5. This selection process doesn't have a precise end date, I will end this thread immediately after I believe that I have a few people to work with and I will take this discussion to a private group.

Please remember that I am here on my own will and I will not encourage any bickering.

P.S. I will reveal my identity only to chosen students. All scammers, identity thieves and alike people please take your business elsewhere. I have not been fooled in all my years on the Internet and I don't plan on starting now.

Let's begin. Have a good one!


May i ask you what made you to take this decision?

May i ask you what made you to take this decision?

At this moment I don't want to write anywhere on the forums about my personal life.

I will talk and reveal my reasons to my students. I will only chose a few students this time only. Never done this before and will never do it again.

I just don't want to waste and never share this with somebody.

Have a good one!


Hi exchange101, im willing to be trained as one of your students.. Thank you!

Hi exchange101, im willing to be trained as one of your students.. Thank you!

If there are any other traders that want to see the market as to it really is, I will be glad to see how you think and maybe to have you as a student.

If there are any other traders that want to see the market as to it really is, I will be glad to see how you think and maybe to have you as a student.

hi exchange101, what kind of thinking perspective would you like to see?


As other similar threads I started are moving slowly, and the most active one is in Forex Factory, I cannot keep track of multiple threads so please visit Professional Trading Strategy - student selection @ Forex Factory for the details and progress.

The thread will be closed in a few days.

Have a good one!


Hi exchange101,

Even i want to get trained. I'm new to Forex and have a 5% knowledge. want to learn but unable to find any good one to teach.

looking forward for your reply.



I have ended the thread down at FF Professional Trading Strategy - student selection @ Forex Factory

But you are welcome to send me an email at exchangemarket101 [at] gmail (dot) com with your skype name.


Hi exchange101, Let me give you a little of my past history, I have been trading forex for over 6 years part time. I have been through many scams and bad systems. I have also studied the charts on my own for many years and made my own systems that only I would use, but it seems like that draw down over time was more then the up or profit. For this reason I would like to see how you see the charts and see what I am really missing. I will not share or expose your training if you desire, only I want to improve my work and life with forex, I know it is possible. I am always willing to learn and give my all to make this work for me and make a better life for my family and my friends. If you want to know more about me you can private message me also, thank you again for this opportunity,



I would like to subscribe.