Need help turning a custom indicator into what could be a very profitable EA.


Hello everyone, this is my first post

I came across a custom indicator which works on all time frames and I am looking to make it automatic since I am still in school and can only trade certain times of the day. If I had this EA going then I will be able to focus more on my school work.

This is the code it has a mobile alert on it which if I am honest I don't know where it is on the code otherwise I would of taken it off. So if there are any experienced coders out there who would give it a go then that would be really helpful.

Here is the code and if I have done it right your be able to get a picture of what the indicator looks like.

#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 Blue

#property indicator_color2 Red

#property indicator_color3 Yellow

extern int SignalPeriod = 28;

int gi_80 = 0;

extern int NR_SLIPE = 3;

int g_applied_price_88 = PRICE_CLOSE;

extern double FilterNumber = 3.0;

bool gi_100 = TRUE;

int gi_104 = 0;

extern int lineWidth = 3;

extern int barsToDrawLine = 10000;

extern bool skipSingleBarSignal = FALSE;

extern int aTake_Profit = 150;

extern int aStop_Loss = 150;

extern bool aAlerts = TRUE;

extern bool EmailOn = TRUE;

extern bool PushNotification = TRUE;

datetime g_time_136;

string gs_148;

string gs_156 = "fx_NR_Scalping";

double g_ibuf_164[];

double g_ibuf_168[];

double g_ibuf_172[];

double g_ibuf_176[];

int gi_180;

string gs_184;

int gi_unused_192 = 0;

string GetTimeFrameStr() {

string l_timeframe_4;

switch (Period()) {

case PERIOD_M1:

l_timeframe_4 = "M1";


case PERIOD_M5:

l_timeframe_4 = "M5";


case PERIOD_M15:

l_timeframe_4 = "M15";


case PERIOD_M30:

l_timeframe_4 = "M30";


case PERIOD_H1:

l_timeframe_4 = "H1";


case PERIOD_H4:

l_timeframe_4 = "H4";


case PERIOD_D1:

l_timeframe_4 = "D1";


case PERIOD_W1:

l_timeframe_4 = "W1";


case PERIOD_MN1:

l_timeframe_4 = "MN1";



l_timeframe_4 = Period();


return (l_timeframe_4);


void DisplayAlert(string as_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, double ad_24) {

string ls_32;

string ls_40;

string ls_48;

string ls_56;

if (Time[0] != g_time_136) {

g_time_136 = Time[0];

if (gs_148 != as_0) {

gs_148 = as_0;

if (ad_8 != 0.0) ls_48 = " @ Price " + DoubleToStr(ad_8, 4);

else ls_48 = "";

if (ad_16 != 0.0) ls_40 = ", TakeProfit " + DoubleToStr(ad_16, 4);

else ls_40 = "";

if (ad_24 != 0.0) ls_32 = ", StopLoss " + DoubleToStr(ad_24, 4);

else ls_32 = "";

ls_56 = gs_184 + "Scalping " + aRperiodf() + " Alert " + as_0

+ "\n"

+ as_0 + ls_48 + ls_40 + ls_32

+ "\nDate & Time = " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE) + " " + TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) + ":" + TimeMinute(TimeCurrent()) + " ";

Alert(ls_56, Symbol(), ", ", Period(), " minutes chart");


if (EmailOn) SendMail(gs_184, ls_56);

if (PushNotification) SendNotification(ls_56);




int init() {


if (!SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_164) && !SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_168) && !SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_172) && !SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_176)) Print("cannot set indicator buffers!");

if (gi_100) {

SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, lineWidth - 3);

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, lineWidth - 3);

SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, lineWidth - 3);

SetIndexArrow(0, 159);

SetIndexArrow(1, 159);

SetIndexArrow(2, 159);

} else {

SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE);

SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE);


gi_180 = SignalPeriod + MathFloor(MathSqrt(SignalPeriod));

SetIndexDrawBegin(0, gi_180);

SetIndexDrawBegin(1, gi_180);

SetIndexDrawBegin(2, gi_180);

IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) + 1.0);

IndicatorShortName("Scalping(" + SignalPeriod + ")");

SetIndexLabel(0, "Scalping");

gs_184 = Symbol() + " (" + GetTimeFrameStr() + "): ";

gs_148 = "";

ArrayInitialize(g_ibuf_164, EMPTY_VALUE);

ArrayInitialize(g_ibuf_172, EMPTY_VALUE);

ArrayInitialize(g_ibuf_168, EMPTY_VALUE);

return (0);


int deinit() {


return (0);


int start() {

double l_ima_on_arr_20;

int li_unused_28;

int l_ind_counted_8 = IndicatorCounted();

if (l_ind_counted_8 < 1) {

for (int li_4 = 0; li_4 <= gi_180; li_4++) g_ibuf_176[Bars - li_4] = 0;

for (li_4 = 0; li_4 <= SignalPeriod; li_4++) {

g_ibuf_164[Bars - li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;

g_ibuf_168[Bars - li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;

g_ibuf_172[Bars - li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE;



int li_0 = Bars - l_ind_counted_8;

for (li_4 = 1; li_4 < li_0; li_4++) g_ibuf_176[li_4] = 2.0 * iMA(NULL, 0, MathFloor(SignalPeriod / FilterNumber), gi_80, NR_SLIPE, g_applied_price_88, li_4) - iMA(NULL, 0, SignalPeriod, gi_80, NR_SLIPE, g_applied_price_88, li_4);

double l_ima_on_arr_12 = iMAOnArray(g_ibuf_176, 0, MathFloor(MathSqrt(SignalPeriod)), 0, NR_SLIPE, 1);

for (li_4 = 2; li_4 < li_0 + 1; li_4++) {

l_ima_on_arr_20 = iMAOnArray(g_ibuf_176, 0, MathFloor(MathSqrt(SignalPeriod)), 0, NR_SLIPE, li_4);

li_unused_28 = 0;

if (l_ima_on_arr_20 > l_ima_on_arr_12) {

g_ibuf_172[li_4 - 1] = l_ima_on_arr_12 - gi_104 * Point;

li_unused_28 = 1;

} else {

if (l_ima_on_arr_20 < l_ima_on_arr_12) {

g_ibuf_164[li_4 - 1] = l_ima_on_arr_12 + gi_104 * Point;

li_unused_28 = 2;

} else {

g_ibuf_164[li_4 - 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;

g_ibuf_168[li_4 - 1] = l_ima_on_arr_12;

g_ibuf_172[li_4 - 1] = EMPTY_VALUE;

li_unused_28 = 3;



if (l_ind_counted_8 > 0) {


l_ima_on_arr_12 = l_ima_on_arr_20;


if (li_0 > barsToDrawLine) li_0 = barsToDrawLine;

for (li_4 = 2; li_4 <= li_0; li_4++) {

if (g_ibuf_164[li_4 - 1] != EMPTY_VALUE) {

if (g_ibuf_164[li_4] != EMPTY_VALUE) drawLineSegment(li_4 - 1, li_4, 1);

else drawLineSegment(li_4 - 1, li_4, 10);


if (g_ibuf_172[li_4 - 1] != EMPTY_VALUE) {

if (g_ibuf_172[li_4] != EMPTY_VALUE) drawLineSegment(li_4 - 1, li_4, -1);

else drawLineSegment(li_4 - 1, li_4, -10);



if (aAlerts) {

if ((skipSingleBarSignal == FALSE && g_ibuf_172[1] != EMPTY_VALUE && g_ibuf_172[2] == EMPTY_VALUE) || (skipSingleBarSignal == TRUE && g_ibuf_172[1] != EMPTY_VALUE &&

g_ibuf_172[2] != EMPTY_VALUE && g_ibuf_172[3] == EMPTY_VALUE)) DisplayAlert("Sell signal", Close[1], aGetTPs(), aGetSLs());

if ((skipSingleBarSignal == FALSE && g_ibuf_164[1] != EMPTY_VALUE && g_ibuf_164[2] == EMPTY_VALUE) || (skipSingleBarSignal == TRUE && g_ibuf_164[1] != EMPTY_VALUE &&

g_ibuf_164[2] != EMPTY_VALUE && g_ibuf_164[3] == EMPTY_VALUE)) DisplayAlert("Buy signal", Close[1], aGetTPl(), aGetSLl());


return (0);


double aGetTPs() {

return (Bid - aTake_Profit * Point);


double aGetTPl() {

return (Ask + aTake_Profit * Point);


double aGetSLs() {

return (Bid + aStop_Loss * Point);


double aGetSLl() {

return (Ask - aStop_Loss * Point);


int aRperiodf() {

return (10000.0 * (SignalPeriod * Point));


void DelObj() {

string l_name_0;

int l_str_len_12;

for (int li_8 = ObjectsTotal() - 1; li_8 >= 0; li_8--) {

l_name_0 = ObjectName(li_8);

l_str_len_12 = StringLen(gs_156);

if (StringSubstr(l_name_0, 0, l_str_len_12) == gs_156) ObjectDelete(l_name_0);



void drawLineSegment(int ai_0, int ai_4, int ai_8) {

double l_price_20;

double l_price_28;

color l_color_36;

if (ai_8 > 0) {

l_price_20 = g_ibuf_164[ai_0];

if (ai_8 == 1) l_price_28 = g_ibuf_164[ai_4];

else l_price_28 = g_ibuf_172[ai_4];

l_color_36 = Blue;

} else {

l_price_20 = g_ibuf_172[ai_0];

if (ai_8 == -1) l_price_28 = g_ibuf_172[ai_4];

else l_price_28 = g_ibuf_164[ai_4];

l_color_36 = Yellow;


int l_time_12 = Time[ai_0];

int l_time_16 = Time[ai_4];

if (l_price_20 == EMPTY_VALUE || l_price_28 == EMPTY_VALUE) {

Print("Empty value for price line encountered!");



string l_name_40 = gs_156 + "_segment_" + l_color_36 + l_time_12 + "_" + l_time_16;


ObjectCreate(l_name_40, OBJ_TREND, 0, l_time_12, l_price_20, l_time_16, l_price_28, 0, 0);

ObjectSet(l_name_40, OBJPROP_WIDTH, lineWidth);

ObjectSet(l_name_40, OBJPROP_COLOR, l_color_36);

ObjectSet(l_name_40, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);

ObjectSet(l_name_40, OBJPROP_RAY, FALSE);


Hello everyone, this is my first post I came across a custom indicator which works on all time frames and I am looking to make it automatic since I am still in school and can only trade certain times of the day. If I had this EA going then I will be able to focus more on my school work.This is the code it has a mobile alert on it which if I am honest I don't know where it is on the code otherwise I would of taken it off. So if there are any experienced coders out there who would give it a go then that would be really helpful.Here is the code and if I have done it right your be able to get a picture of what the indicator looks like.#property indicator_chart_window#property indicator_buffers 3#property indicator_color1 Blue#property indicator_color2 Red#property indicator_color3 Yellowextern int SignalPeriod = 28;int gi_80 = 0;extern int NR_SLIPE = 3;int g_applied_price_88 = PRICE_CLOSE;extern double FilterNumber = 3.0;bool gi_100 = TRUE;int gi_104 = 0;extern int lineWidth = 3;extern int barsToDrawLine = 10000;extern bool skipSingleBarSignal = FALSE;extern int aTake_Profit = 150;extern int aStop_Loss = 150;extern bool aAlerts = TRUE;extern bool EmailOn = TRUE;extern bool PushNotification = TRUE;datetime g_time_136;string gs_148;string gs_156 = "fx_NR_Scalping";double g_ibuf_164[];double g_ibuf_168[];double g_ibuf_172[];double g_ibuf_176[];int gi_180;string gs_184;int gi_unused_192 = 0;string GetTimeFrameStr() { string l_timeframe_4; switch (Period()) { case PERIOD_M1: l_timeframe_4 = "M1"; break; case PERIOD_M5: l_timeframe_4 = "M5"; break; case PERIOD_M15: l_timeframe_4 = "M15"; break; case PERIOD_M30: l_timeframe_4 = "M30"; break; case PERIOD_H1: l_timeframe_4 = "H1"; break; case PERIOD_H4: l_timeframe_4 = "H4"; break; case PERIOD_D1: l_timeframe_4 = "D1"; break; case PERIOD_W1: l_timeframe_4 = "W1"; break; case PERIOD_MN1: l_timeframe_4 = "MN1"; break; default: l_timeframe_4 = Period(); } return (l_timeframe_4);}void DisplayAlert(string as_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, double ad_24) { string ls_32; string ls_40; string ls_48; string ls_56; if (Time[0] != g_time_136) { g_time_136 = Time[0]; if (gs_148 != as_0) { gs_148 = as_0; if (ad_8 != 0.0) ls_48 = " @ Price " + DoubleToStr(ad_8, 4); else ls_48 = ""; if (ad_16 != 0.0) ls_40 = ", TakeProfit " + DoubleToStr(ad_16, 4); else ls_40 = ""; if (ad_24 != 0.0) ls_32 = ", StopLoss " + DoubleToStr(ad_24, 4); else ls_32 = ""; ls_56 = gs_184 + "Scalping " + aRperiodf() + " Alert " + as_0 + "\n" + as_0 + ls_48 + ls_40 + ls_32 + "\nDate & Time = " + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE) + " " + TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) + ":" + TimeMinute(TimeCurrent()) + " "; Alert(ls_56, Symbol(), ", ", Period(), " minutes chart"); PlaySound("alert.wav"); if (EmailOn) SendMail(gs_184, ls_56); if (PushNotification) SendNotification(ls_56); } }}int init() { IndicatorBuffers(4); if (!SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_164) && !SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_168) && !SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_172) && !SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_176)) Print("cannot set indicator buffers!"); if (gi_100) { SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, lineWidth - 3); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, lineWidth - 3); SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY, lineWidth - 3); SetIndexArrow(0, 159); SetIndexArrow(1, 159); SetIndexArrow(2, 159); } else { SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE); SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE); } gi_180 = SignalPeriod + MathFloor(MathSqrt(SignalPeriod)); SetIndexDrawBegin(0, gi_180); SetIndexDrawBegin(1, gi_180); SetIndexDrawBegin(2, gi_180); IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS) + 1.0); IndicatorShortName("Scalping(" + SignalPeriod + ")"); SetIndexLabel(0, "Scalping"); gs_184 = Symbol() + " (" + GetTimeFrameStr() + "): "; gs_148 = ""; ArrayInitialize(g_ibuf_164, EMPTY_VALUE); ArrayInitialize(g_ibuf_172, EMPTY_VALUE); ArrayInitialize(g_ibuf_168, EMPTY_VALUE); return (0);}int deinit() { DelObj(); return (0);}int start() { double l_ima_on_arr_20; int li_unused_28; int l_ind_counted_8 = IndicatorCounted(); if (l_ind_counted_8 < 1) { for (int li_4 = 0; li_4 <= gi_180; li_4++) g_ibuf_176[Bars - li_4] = 0; for (li_4 = 0; li_4 <= SignalPeriod; li_4++) { g_ibuf_164[Bars - li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE; g_ibuf_168[Bars - li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE; g_ibuf_172[Bars - li_4] = EMPTY_VALUE; } } int li_0 = Bars - l_ind_counted_8; for (li_4 = 1; li_4 < li_0; li_4++) g_ibuf_176[li_4] = 2.0 * iMA(NULL, 0, MathFloor(SignalPeriod / FilterNumber), gi_80, NR_SLIPE, g_applied_price_88, li_4) - iMA(NULL, 0, SignalPeriod, gi_80, NR_SLIPE, g_applied_price_88, li_4); double l_ima_on_arr_12 = iMAOnArray(g_ibuf_176, 0, MathFloor(MathSqrt(SignalPeriod)), 0, NR_SLIPE, 1); for (li_4 = 2; li_4 l_ima_on_arr_12) { g_ibuf_172[li_4 - 1] = l_ima_on_arr_12 - gi_104 * Point; li_unused_28 = 1; } else { if (l_ima_on_arr_20 0) { } l_ima_on_arr_12 = l_ima_on_arr_20; } if (li_0 > barsToDrawLine) li_0 = barsToDrawLine; for (li_4 = 2; li_4 = 0; li_8--) { l_name_0 = ObjectName(li_8); l_str_len_12 = StringLen(gs_156); if (StringSubstr(l_name_0, 0, l_str_len_12) == gs_156) ObjectDelete(l_name_0); }}void drawLineSegment(int ai_0, int ai_4, int ai_8) { double l_price_20; double l_price_28; color l_color_36; if (ai_8 > 0) { l_price_20 = g_ibuf_164[ai_0]; if (ai_8 == 1) l_price_28 = g_ibuf_164[ai_4]; else l_price_28 = g_ibuf_172[ai_4]; l_color_36 = Blue; } else { l_price_20 = g_ibuf_172[ai_0]; if (ai_8 == -1) l_price_28 = g_ibuf_172[ai_4]; else l_price_28 = g_ibuf_164[ai_4]; l_color_36 = Yellow; } int l_time_12 = Time[ai_0]; int l_time_16 = Time[ai_4]; if (l_price_20 == EMPTY_VALUE || l_price_28 == EMPTY_VALUE) { Print("Empty value for price line encountered!"); return; } string l_name_40 = gs_156 + "_segment_" + l_color_36 + l_time_12 + "_" + l_time_16; ObjectDelete(l_name_40); ObjectCreate(l_name_40, OBJ_TREND, 0, l_time_12, l_price_20, l_time_16, l_price_28, 0, 0); ObjectSet(l_name_40, OBJPROP_WIDTH, lineWidth); ObjectSet(l_name_40, OBJPROP_COLOR, l_color_36); ObjectSet(l_name_40, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID); ObjectSet(l_name_40, OBJPROP_RAY, FALSE);}

would you post the indicator.

anyway, after checking the picture, you can try ma ea. or hull ma ea, nlma ea etc.


Great post find very informative but it is good to have your EA If possible.