Daily Market Reviews by MAYZUS - page 9


15 November 2013: Indices Continue To Storm New High's Supported By Yellen's Statements

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

One more trading week is coming to an end, and nothing has changed in the world economy, but the American and German stock markets continue to update historical maximum levels. At the same time, all developing countries firmly remain in the same position. Following the results of the week, we can again see that according to EPFR data, outflow from the Brazilian funds for the week made 442 million Dollars. Russia, for the same period, lost 225 million Dollars, however in China, on the contrary, there was an inflow of 308 million Dollars, and in India, an inflow of 28 million Dollars.

For the entire week, investors have been waiting for the press-conference of Janet Yellen, which took place yesterday and boosted markets up. Her debut on the Bank committee of the Senate of the USA was very optimistic, and expectations of a rather fast reduction of the program of monetary easing by FED, came to naught. Before the meeting of the FED in December, investors will hardly be afraid of anything.

Thanks to that, the American Dow Jones and S&P500 indices maintained yesterday their historical maxima, and the leader of growth in the equity market of the US was the financial sector. Following the results of the trading session, Dow Jones Industrial Average raised by 0.35% to a level of 15876.22 points, the index of the wide market Standard & Poor's 500 increased by 0.48% to a level of 1790.62 points, and the index of high-tech industries of Nasdaq Composite went to plus on 0.18% and reached the level of 3972.74 points.

It is quite clear that the risk of correction on the American platforms is now certainly very high, and every week it only grows, but before we are going to see any strong negative news, we are not going to see an essential decrease in America.

Commodity markets didn't miss the chance to gain some positive activity either, prices for oil went slightly up, and this morning Brent is adding 0.07% traded on a level of 108.36$ per barrel. Light is up by 0.28%, and bargaining next to the level of 94.67$ per barrel. Gold and Silver are flat on the levels of 1286.42$ and 20.72$ per troy ounce accordingly.

Amongst the last statistics to be published today, and where the attention of investors will be drawn, is to the indicators of industrial production in the USA.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


18 November 2013: Dow Jones And S&P 500 Are Torn To Levels Of 16000 And 1800

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

On Friday last week, the main world stock indices showed moderate growth again, and increased in price. Most have been reacting to the published macroeconomic statistical data on industrial data in the USA, and Consumer Prices in Europe. Industrial production in country scales in October was reduced by 0.1% at the time, then an increase of 0.2% was expected. Some improvement was shown only by the manufacturing industry segment, of which volume of production in October increased by 0.3%, predicted at 0.2%.

However, statistical data didn't have an essential influence on the development on the stock exchanges, as the main growth driver was the speech given by the future head of FED, Janet Yellen, in front of the bank committee of the Senate of the USA. Having noted certain success in the recovery of the economy of the USA, Yellen labelled them as insufficient from the point of view of the economic capacity of the country, and stated fears concerning negative consequences at premature reduction of stimulating measures. Yellen also reported that she doesn't find excessively active growth of stock markets disturbing, and the emerging of obvious signs of "bubbles" on them will be eliminated by taking necessary actions.

Under these promises, the main stock indices of the US finished the trading session in a comfortable plus, Dow Jones and S&P 500 indices reached new record levels, and have prolonged the successful series for 6 weeks. The Dow Jones industrial average index raised by 0.54% to 15961.70 points, the Standard & Poor's 500 index raised by 0.42%, having closed the trading session at the level of 1798.18 points, and the Nasdaq Composite index raised by 0.33% to the value of 3985.97 points.

The price of futures of Gold is falling by 0.09% and is on a level of 1286.21$ per troy ounce. Silver is up by 0.12% on a level of 20.75$ per troy ounce. Gold practically didn't change in the price, despite a potential bonus in the form of essential weakening of the Dollar, as investors concentrated their interest more on slightly riskier assets. As a whole, precious metal cost in a week increased by 0.2%, having interrupted a losing series of the 2 last weeks.

The prices for Oil are decreasing, Brent is losing 0.37%, traded on a level of 108.10$ per barrel. WTI is down by 0.42% and is traded on a price of 94.09$ per barrel. Oil slightly increased in price, at the expense of the receded Dollar. Following the results of the 6th unprofitable week in a row, (such a long unsuccessful strip hasn't been observed since 1998), Oil suffered losses of 0.8%, owing to a continuous 8 week growth of its stocks in the US, and uncertainty of traders concerning the prospects of demand for energy carriers.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


19 November 2013: Investors Started To Doubt Correctness Of Growth Of Stock Indices

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Yesterday, the stock market of the United States finished the trading session with a moderate decrease in the main indices, and the index of blue chips Dow Jones Industrial Average exceeded for the first time to a level of 16 000 points. The Standard & Poor's 500 index, in turn, during the session, exceeded a level of 1800 points for the first time. Investors started to have concerns related to the ability of the markets to continue its rally up.

Following the results of the trading session, the indicator of blue chips Dow Jones Industrial Average raised by 0.09% to the level of 15976.02 points, the index of the wide market Standard & Poor's 500 decreased by 0.37% to a level of 1791.53 points, and the index of high-tech industries of Nasdaq Composite went to a minus on 0.93% and reached a level of 3949.07 points. Nasdaq lost much more than the other indices, because the IT sector has been under strong pressure. In particular, Facebook and Twitter lost more than 6% of capitalization.

The Asian markets, following the American session, bargained without essential dynamics. The index of the industrial companies of continental China in Hong Kong, again showed an increase over 1.00%, and for three trading sessions already grew by 10.00%. Meanwhile, statistics were published which showed that growth of volume of direct foreign investments in China slowed down to 5.77% in October, from 6.2% in September. In Japan, on the contrary, the market appeared under pressure because of strengthening of the Yen, which is more expensive again and is on a level over 100 Yen per Dollar. Nikkei 225 closed the trading session with a decrease of 0.25% at a level of 15126.56 points, and Chinese Shanghai Composite lost 0.18% reaching a level of 2193.13 points.

The commodity market in many respects ignored the Chinese positive because of a proceeding rise in prices for real estate in the country. Growth in October on average made 8.78% in annual expression which could become a reason for the next drastic measures in monetary policies. Gold again decreased in price, this morning winning a bit back, adding 0.13% and traded on a price of 1273.91$ per troy ounce. Reserves of SPDR Gold Trust decreased by 4.2 tons to 864.51 ton. This is the lowest value of reserves of fund since February 2009, when incentives of FRS only were expected. However, the price for the metal at that time was much lower, in the range of 900.00$ - 950.00$ for troy ounce. Brent was down by 0.38% at the price of 108.06$ per barrel, WTI is down by 0.15% at level of 93.54$ per barrel.

Today current conditions and economic expectations of ZEW of Germany, and Employment Cost Index in the USA are going to be published.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


20 November 2013: The Markets Are Captured By A Wave Of Profit Taking

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Tuesday’s trading session ended in the red zone. Investors are gradually preparing for two key events of the current week – statistical data on retail sales, and the protocol of the last meeting of the FOMC. Whats interesting, is that the results can have multidirectional impact on the direction of the Dollar, and it is not clear which one of these releases will have a bigger influence.

The last report on retails showed a decrease in the consumer demand, many aspects confirm that this time markets could be disappointed. Published reports of Redbook on activity of buyers in shopping centers, showed that sales slowed, and retailers should fight for each buyer. Researches of Bloomberg agency already prophesy that the current season of purchases could become the most low-active since 2009. So, if data on retails is going to be really weak, even the positive spirit of representatives of the FOMC regarding the last meeting won't be able to return belief in the USD.

Meanwhile, the Euro won’t be able to use the situation with the weakening Dollar for it’s benefit, if the PMI and IFO data will also confirm that growth rates in the largest economic system of Europe decreased. If PMI and IFO data show the same, the couple should give everything earned lately. As for today, the closest level to break is based on the area of 1.3550, the next purpose is located in the field of 1.3590.

Going back to the American session, following the results of the trading session the indicator of "blue chips" the Dow Jones Industrial Average index was closed in a 0.06% minus on the level 15967.03 points, the index of the wide market S&P 500 went down by 0.20% to the level of 1787.87 points, and the index of the hi-tech companies Nasdaq receded by 0.44% to a level of 3919.92 points.

Prices of commodities in the commodity market remain weak. Brent is on 107.11$ per barrel, WTI on 94.21$ per barrel, gaining 0.17% and 0.34% accordingly. Gold is flat on 1273.53$ per troy ounce, and Silver is increasing by 0.35% traded on a level of 20.40$. Since the beginning of the year, quotations of Oil fell by 4%, Gold on 24%, Silver on 33%, and Platinum on 8%. Prices can be restored only if the world economy is going to lift up, and not the solution of the Chinese plenum on the reforming of the economy. Results of reforms will be shown only in years to come, and now, for example, Oil lowering factors are restoration of export of Oil from Libya, and a possible exit of Oil from Iran to the world markets as a result of weakening of sanctions.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


21 November 2013: The minutes of FOMC damped an ardor of the markets

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

On Thursday, the American market finished trading session with a moderate decrease. If at the beginning of the session we could observe speculative purchases supported by published data on inflation and Ben Bernanke's "soft” comments, after an exit of protocols of last FED meeting - market handed over positions and went to a minus. In the protocol of the last meeting of FED was stated that the Central Bank expects improvement of a macroeconomic picture, which in turn gives the grounds for reduction of the program of quantitative easing. The president of FED of Saint Louis, James Bullard, in his speech also noted that the question of reduction of monthly purchases is already in the agenda of the meeting in December.

The macroeconomic indicators which have been published yesterday were of the mixed character as well. On the one hand consumer inflation made 1,7% that below a target rate of inflation required by FED, and sale of houses in the secondary market decreased by 3,2% to 5,12 million, but on the other hand, retails showed growth by 0,4% at average expectations of 0,1%. Production stocks increased by 0,6% at average forecasts of 0,3%.

As a result, the indicator of "blue chips" the Dow Jones Industrial Average index decreased for 0,41% to a level of 15900,82 points, the index of the wide market S&P 500 went down for 0,36% to level of 1781,37 points, and the index of the hi-tech companies Nasdaq receded for 0,26% to a level of 3921,27 points.

Commodities also continued to fall, price of oil is decreasing this morning for 0,34% on Brent and 0,30% on WTI traded on 107,69$ and 93,57$ per barrel accordingly. Gold and silver are significantly down, with gold losing 0,93% at level of 1246,29$ and silver down for 0,85% at price of 19,89$ per troy ounce.

From the statistics which is going to be published today it is worth paying attention to the PMI indexes in production sector and sector of services of the Eurozone and Germany in particular, and production PMI in the USA. Also will be published data on primary requests for an unemployment benefit in the USA, and the bank committee of the Senate of the USA will vote for Janet Yelen's candidate as the new head of FED in the USA.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


22 November 2013: Positive Statistical Data Is Pushing Quotations Up

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Yesterday was a very saturated day, published statistical data wise. Macroeconomic statistical data from China in the morning did not bring many positive's to the market. Data on business activity in the industries calculated by HSBC bank in November decreased by 0.5 points from the level of the previous month, and made 50.4 points.

Results in Europe were much more positive. Presented preliminary data on business activity in the manufacturing sphere in the Eurozone, made 51.56 points, which completely coincided with expectations of experts. In Germany, the index reached a level of 52.5 points, when 52 points were predicted. Also, today PMI preliminary results were published for the services industry, the indicator in the Eurozone made 50.9 points at a predicted 51.9 points, and in Germany, 54.5 points, whereas 53 points were expected.

In the USA, the number of primary requests for unemployment benefits was presented. For the last week, 323 thousand were recorded against an expected 335 thousand. The previous value was reconsidered from 339 thousand to 344 thousand. The price index of producers in October decreased by 0.2%, but it was not a surprise for participants of the market. The worse development was observed in the Fed Manufacturing index of Philadelphia, whereby the index in November made just 6.5 points, at an expected 15 points. Market indices of the USA in the first half of the auction grew up.

As a result, the trading session finished with the Dow Jones adding 0.69% traded on a level of 16009.99 points. S&P 500 increased by 0.81% reaching a level of 1795.85 points, and Nasdaq grew by 1.22% to the level of 3969.15 points.

In the meantime, Oil rose in price as well, to maximum levels this month, owing to favorable data on employment, and the increased demand for gasoline and diesel fuel. Price for WTI during yesterday’s trading session increased by 1.7% to level of 95.44$ per barrel, Brent jumped by 1.87% to a price of 110.08$.

In turn, Gold continues to lose in price in connection with expectations of the reduction of volumes of financial stimulation of the economy from the FED, on one of the subsequent meetings. The price of Gold fell for another 1.1% to value of 1243.60$ for troy ounce.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd


Hi this one is great and is really a good post about forex market . I think it will help me a lot in the related stuff and is very much useful for me. Very well written I appreciate & must say good job..


25 November 2013: Iran Acquired The Right To Use Nuclear Power Which Pushed Commodities Down

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Long-awaited safe permission of the situation with Iran became one of the main events of last weekend. After almost 10 years, on November 24th, on the last round of negotiations the compromise was found in Geneva. Six international intermediaries (the Russian Federation, the USA, the People's Republic of China, Great Britain, France and Germany) recognized the right of Iran to use nuclear power in peace purposes on the condition of it being controlled from IAEA. Within the signed arrangement, there is the right of Iran to peace atom, including the right to enrichment, at the understanding that this program will be put under the strictest control of the IAEA. The U.S. President, Barack Obama, urged the congress of the USA to refrain from introduction of new sanctions against Iran due to the achievement of arrangements in Geneva. According to Mr.Obama, the agreement represents the first step in a solution which will create space and time for achievement of further arrangements according to the nuclear program of Iran.

It isn't clear yet how all stock markets will react to this news, but the Oil market precisely after such statements, will certainly have a correction. This morning, Brent is losing 2.63% traded on a level of 108.13$ and Light is down by 1.39% at a price of 93.52$ per barrel.

No less, an interesting situation continues to develop in the market of precious metals. On the basis of the development of the deflationary process in Japan, Europe and the USA, Gold and Silver, for already more than a year, continue to decrease and its over soft monetary policy of the central banks and artificially increased liquidity. Fears about fast reduction of the program of monetary easing by FED only strengthen a negative view of precious metals.

From a technical point of view, Gold, for already more than a year, is in a descending trend, and we cannot see even one sign which will show the turn of the trend. Recently, Gold has been going through the important technical level on 1250.00$ and now the most expected outcome is the level of 1200.00$ per troy ounce. These levels could be taken into consideration for the opening of long positions. It is worth noting that the cost of Gold mining now on average makes 1100.00-1200.00$, therefore we will hardly see a collapse of quotations lower than 1100.00$.

This morning, Gold is down by 0.97% at a price of 1232.10$ per troy ounce. Silver is also under strong pressure, decreasing by 1.13% and bargaining next to the level of 19.64$ per troy ounce.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd

Hi this one is great and is really a good post about forex market . I think it will help me a lot in the related stuff and is very much useful for me. Very well written I appreciate & must say good job..

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26 November 2013: Investors Are Trying To Avoid Taking Action

By Kristina Leonova: Analyst in Portfolio Asset Management Department.

Key stock indices of Europe showed positive dynamics supported by the agreement on control of the nuclear program in Iran. So, Iran refused uranium enrichment for the next six months in exchange for mitigation of the economic sanctions concerning export of Oil, cars and precious metals. Based on that, following the results of the trading session the key index of Great Britain, the FTSE 100, increased by 0.3%.The French CAC 40 became 0.55% heavier, and the German DAX went to a plus by 0.88%.

The American market has also started the first day of the trading week on a positive note, but by the end of the day, indices showed different results. The S&P index shows growth for the last seven weeks, supported by the idea of preservation of volume of the program of quantitative easing by the FED. "The day before it became known that a number of banks made the statement that if FED will start to cut the quantitative program and will make interest on deposits negative, banks will start to take money from clients for bank deposits”, - the experts make comments, noting that this information justifies a turn in Oil and Gold, and also the equity market can receive the next portion of free cash.

Following the results of the trading session, the Dow Jones index added 0.04% and reached a level of 16072.54 points, S&P decreased by 0.12%, to the level of 1802.48 points, Nasdaq appeared in a plus for 0.07% and made 3994.57 points.

Asian markets this morning are moving in a different direction too. Japanese Nikkei is going down by 0.11%, correcting after a four-day growth against the strengthening Yen in relation to the Dollar. The Chinese Shanghai Composite grew by 0.01%, the Korean KOSPI added 0.14%, the Hong Kong HANG SENG grew by 0.21%.

Prices of commodities restored losses we witnessed yesterday. Brent is traded on 110.59$ per barrel, Light is up to 94.46$ per barrel. Gold is increasing by 1.00% and is on the level of 1253.64$ per troy ounce. Silver managed to return back to the level above 20.00$ adding 1.41% and is traded on a price of 20.16$ per troy ounce.

Today there is not going to be a lot of important macroeconomic statistical data published. Important data to pay attention to is the release of September’s data on quantity of new buildings in the USA, where growth to 908 thousand houses is predicted.

Copyright: MAYZUS Investment Company Ltd