Can I be successful Forex trader just following someone else’s advice/tips


Just need to know your opinion about the point that is it possible to become successful trader follwoing soneone else's advices/tips and not anlaysing by yourself?


Well, for me the criteria of a succesfull trader is the ability to make 3-5% per month without too much drawdowns. Too bad at this stage I'm far from that.

And the link is an advertising, obviously.


We can see, most of traders trade like that, they are

holding positions in negative equity most of the time

in their trades. When they come in profit they are closing

trades (taking profit) in much shorter periode of time than they were on

losing side of balance.


Currencies of different countries are always changable. you can see that some times Dollar is stronger than Euro and some times Euro is stronger that Dollar. Such changes occurs in most of all currencies . So if you have Dollar and if the value of Euro fallas you can buy Euro with the Dollar. When the value of Euro rises against Dollar you can buy more Dollar with that Euro.


I stay full time in forex. How time you stay in! plze express your opinion...


Before joining in Forex I can not utilize my leisure properly.But now I can utilize that time by doing Forex business because Forex business is open for 24 hours.


You should not depend on tips only form other traders, you must work harder to gain experience and knowledge by yourself , try to choose the strategy that suits your trading style, you must have your own style which is different from the rest of forex traders.

You should not depend on tips only form other traders, you must work harder to gain experience and knowledge by yourself , try to choose the strategy that suits your trading style, you must have your own style which is different from the rest of forex traders.

Yes, I am agree with you, if you want to become success in forex trading then you have must gain experience and knowledge in forex trading business.


Yes, You can be successful forex trader with the profitable advice or trading tips of trust able advisory firm. If You will follow the recommendation of forex expert then you will be become a successful forex trader.


Yes looking up to others can help us in trading. But we must not depend solely on others to do trading.


A new trader is bound to succeed with help. tips and advice from older traders. That is just the way it goes. The advice and tips are just to help you grow till you get to that stage where you can develop your own trading strategies and become an advice provider as well.