AlgosysFx Forex News Desk at AlgosysFx


Hi everyone. I noticed that news events dictate price movement significantly recently. Anyone know where I can get streaming news? Searching on Youtube takes forever...


There is huge list of websites which offer Forex News but I prefer to FX-Insights: Leading Daily Forex News and forex trading strategies. As it provides frequently updated market news.


You can use Yahoo Finance and bloomberg for latest market and forex news that affects trading market.


AlgosysFx will be very useful to you. Here is the site: AlgosysFx | Forex Videos | Live Currency News. They also offer trading recommendations on a daily basis so you don't have to visit another site.


AlgosysFx will be very useful to you. Check their website. They also offer trading recommendations on a daily basis so you don't have to visit another site.


I love it when doggy videos are uploaded under "Most Popular."


hey, you even heard of CNN? worth a try.

hey, you even heard of CNN? worth a try.

yes, one can view videos from different categories.


Hey. Thanks for recommending the AlgosysFx site. I checked it out and they do have streaming news videos.

yes, one can view videos from different categories.

yea. exactly my point.


hi, can anyone post a link for this "CNN" thanks