help with application to use


hello, i am new to trading and i would like to know if ther is an application that can help me to build my confidence about trading and can help me lower the risk of trading please help me with advice... thank you


i know of a software that you can use that will give you 30% instant profit but i don't think i can write much on it so cos i might get banned for posting adverts but you can see it for yourself at www dot zestrobot dot com


thanks for the advice paul


Hi lucvky

There is no shortcut and quick way present.

Below are the required items:

"Education, Training, Practice and Experience".

A software may going to help you to build your confidence about trading

and to lower the risk of trading. Like trading plan builder software or some sort of money management calculator but you need to understand that there is no short cut present.

I hope it helps.

Kind regards,

-Muhammad Azeem - (Certified Elliott Wave Analyst)

Managed Forex Account



lucvky, learning more and more about forex trading and gaining knowledge about it build up trading confidence. Following risk management tips and suggestions help to reduce risk. I hope, it will be helpful for you.


There is no application to build up traders' confidence. Application is developed for forex trading. Having adequate forex knowledge and being familiar with each and every term associated with forex build up confidence. You should follow risk management tips to reduce risk.