Economic Calendar at Forex Signs


Forex Signs' economic calendar is very helpful in keeping track of events that affect currency movements!


From where, can we find Forex Signs' economic calendar to test it? There are number of economic calendars offered by brokers. So, choosing the best one is also a problem for traders.


what is different with Forex Signs' economic calendar?

what is different with Forex Signs' economic calendar?

You can find an economic calendar at here: Economic Calendar | AvaFX Online Trading Platform

what is different with Forex Signs' economic calendar?

I like the fact that they include CNY indicators plus their calendar is user-friendly...


Ramrod is right. Forex Signs's economic calendar gives a brief analysis on the effects of each indicator to the currency.


Could you please tell me some economic calendars names?


They also have a feature for expected pips and average pips for each indicator. How does it work???

They also have a feature for expected pips and average pips for each indicator. How does it work???

I dont really have an idea. I never use it in my trading. lol!


anyone else have know of other good eco calendars around?


For my eco calendar needs, i rely on my trusty Forex Pros calendar...