Identify Trading System


Can anybody identify this trading system? Looks quite good from screen shot.


Is it marshmallow system?

Cheers Hermes


I want to know about this system too.

It looks so good.



System is a version of THV from cobra forex.


Is there a link to find this system? please share I am interested in


I'm not sure exactly what system that is either, but lucky for you some of the indicator names are shown. I'm following thread to see if anyone shares more.


go to forex factory dot com under trading system look for the THV system or something.

sorry I can not remember the name.


The picture shows very exact work of trading platform


It is quite difficult to know where this system come from. I have never seen it before. Maybe it is an automated system!! Try to check out the THV system as listed by some trader above. Good luck


Does the system work

go to forex factory dot com under trading system look for the THV system or something. sorry I can not remember the name.

Thanks for your suggestion. I will follow your instruction to find out this system. It is looking good and I also want to use it.