Why not trading on Fridays?


There are many traders tell that one should not trade on fridays. It is because many traders close their positions and market might change dramatically. Another reason market may be very choppy on fridays. Both are true!!!

I do not follow this rule. I can see many big movements on fridays and good opportunities to trade even after the week ends. This also does not hold true some times and i suffer loss. But I also suffer loss other then fridays. So why not trade on friday?

What do you think about trading/not trading on fridays?


I've made 180 pips last Friday...


If you are an experienced trader then trading on Friday offers great opportunity. You can get benefits of market change but if you are a new trader then you should avoid it. It may lead you for big loss therefore most of the traders avoid trading on Friday and Monday. For some more related Forex Answers visit: ask-fx.com

If you are an experienced trader then trading on Friday offers great opportunity. You can get benefits of market change but if you are a new trader then you should avoid it. It may lead you for big loss therefore most of the traders avoid trading on Friday and Monday. For some more related Forex Answers visit: ask-fx.com

This is true, being a new one on trading one must avoid on Friday.. As I also asked for some suggestion from the trading mentors they replied the otherwise if you are experienced one better to go for it.

All the best !!


there is my answer why not trade Friday.

you know that on Friday no body would like to work... includes big boys.

so Friday either can be dead (range) or wild (big trend).

also the on Friday have some big news that trader try to avoid.


nothing wrong with trading on crazy fridays.....You just gotta remember it's friday when you're trading and make crazy pips too...that is on condition your trading strategy can handle it. I had a blast this past friday shorting AUD. Netted about 50 pips for the day. That was good enough for me.


Mondays and Fridays is the market unpredictable and many times you have to hold the position over weekend what is not a good idea. The best is to swim into sure waters on Tue, Wed, and Thursdays.

Back from 2 months EURO holiday. I never saw so beautiful women!



If you want to trade Fridays then only before noon because afternoon it slows down rapidly. Mondays are spikes days OK with me if you like adrenaline rise!

Cheers Hermes


I am a beginner in forex trading so do no prefer to trade on Friday. According to some experts, trading on Friday is risky for new traders. As market can move frequently up or down side.


i trade every friday and do not trade on monday )))) and it works

i trade every friday and do not trade on monday )))) and it works

Why not on Monday? Avoiding trading on mondays because it appear to be full of surprises and one can hardly accurately predict what Monday trading will apear like.

Or else,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,