Regarding FX Central : India broker- Clarification needed for Indian Customers


Some very Important questions which I expect FX Central Bosses to answer:

1) FX Central went overboard last year proclaiming to the world that they are the 1st Forex Broker to be approved by RBI They put this ad all over the net and on their website But now all that has been removed and they are very quiet. Why ? Did RBI warn them for misleading in India ?

2) Why is it that their website now does not feature on search engines easily wherein if you type FX Central now in google, you will not find the website easily ?

3) Previously they had all their India offices addresses and phone numbers on the website. But all that has now been removed all of a sudden and there are no India office details on their website. Why ?

4) Some of the firms and my individual friends dealing with FX Central have complained that they are facing payout issues from FX Central in recent times. Can the bosses here again comment on the assurances of payouts especially since the above points also exist.

FX Central bosses – For the clarity and confidence of the general public and restoration of your reputation and consumer confidence , we would request you to please answer the mentioned queries point to point

All the above points 1 – 4 make FX Central a suspicious broker, unless the FX Central bosses clarify these points. Guys - If these are not clarified you can be sure that this is a fraud company. Do not risk your mone


Same thread is here with my reply.

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