Is ther any demo to learn the forex - page 5


demo account is best for making practice with no loss and also for testing strategies.


So I'm reading a bunch of nonsensically bland responses, so here's some real advice for anybody visiting whether it be from a Google Search or however you landed here:

1. Demo environments are incredibly unrealistic (you don't have $50,000 or $100,000 lying around)

2. Those with time limits on demos are to be avoided.

3. The psychology in the demo environment is non-existent, you can learn but you'll never get anywhere in a live environment. You will be eaten alive because you will have doubts about yourself.

4. Signal providers are scams. Period. There is no holy grail, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or Elves among us.

So where the heck do you turn? You go somewhere that will psychologically prepare you and provide you with the skills you need so that you are 100% ready to trade.

Go to Freevestor, seriously. Think about it, you're likely going to put in $500 to $1,000, we have our trading game set at $500. Oh and it's FREE too, like all trading education and gaming providers SHOULD BE.

We offer up a carrot of motivation worth $500 (cash or free trading account) should you reach $10,000.

We don't have time limits nor do you have to face competition. What are you waiting for? Click on the signature link below and get started. Or you can just screw around on a demo, a-yuk a-yuk, and eventually be a losing trader.

uncle gober:
Right, demo account is good for testing strategy beside place to learn for beginners. Demo account should be utilized as well as possible. Although it's just a virtual money, but there are many advantages that we can get. Just maximize it as well as possible, so we will feel the advantages

I agree with you, we should utilize with good a demo account provided by the broker. Because with demo account, we can learn the basics of trading and how to operate mt4, without having to spend money to hire a mentor. And studying the demo account, we also have to be serious and disciplined, so that when a trading real account, trading results we can be maximized.


you cannot learn just with demo.. learn all the sections at this link and then practice on demo;

School of Pipsology | Learn Forex Trading


you can join the free trading school


I actually over heard some clients talking about how profiforex demo has enlighten and improve their ability to trade with confident as if they are in the real time market, like the chance is always there for you to practic demo effectively before entrying the real market.


Ofcourse we have good facility of demo which is free of any charges and we can have practice good with no real loss.

kaito kid:
Demo accounts are free of charge and they are supposed to represent actual market conditions. in demo account we can developing a trading plan that works for you is one of the most difficult things to do. A demo account will allow you to try different trading ideas until you come up with a system that makes you comfortable. A demo account will allow you to explore the strengths and weaknesses of a trading system without risking a single penny.

yes, therefore we must study trading in a demo account seriously. science so that we can absorb the maximum. But a demo account can not be used to test the psychology of trading. We need a real trading account to test the psychology of trading. We could trading with minimum deposit.


Brokers do offer demo but some have rules and regulation guiding it, well I agree to the suggestion of learning through demo account before hitting the real market. Like I started when using profiforex demo, I enjoyed learning demo account there because It's precise to catch up as quick as possible.

Brokers do offer demo but some have rules and regulation guiding it, well I agree to the suggestion of learning through demo account before hitting the real market. Like I started when using profiforex demo, I enjoyed learning demo account there because It's precise to catch up as quick as possible.

Of course there are rules, but not rigid ones. We just have to play by them so we can trade successfully!