Accept Losses in Forex Trading


The lack of a proper trading plan which includes precise rules for entering and exiting a trade will most certainly guarantee failure over the long term. Beginners usually suffer from the same common ailments. They abandon trading plans purely on impulse because things are not going exactly as how they had envisioned. Repeatedly they use unreliable methods that fail to produce a profit. Many traders hold on to losing positions telling themselves "it is going to turn" when every indicator says otherwise because they cannot bear the thought of a loss.

Why do they torture themselves? Why don't they just identify what's going wrong and make a change? For some people recognizing that a trade or even a trading method is not working and making a change is easy, but for others it's very difficult. They have to look at their limitations admit that they have made a mistake and that's hard because it hurts our ego. Psychologically it's risky, it's often easier to fool ourselves.

Just keep going, living in a state of denial until your account is depleted. If you recognize any of these traits in yourself you must stop trading immediately.

Take a good look at what has been happening, try and identify the problem. If you look close enough you may see a pattern. This is why it is vital to record every trade and as much information about it as possible. You have to break out of old patterns and see things in a new light.

You will never be a successful trader if you continue to live in a state of denial. What can be done to return to reality? There is a lot you can do. First of all make sure you are not trading under stress. When stressed out you can't see clearly, you become rigid and unable to see alternative views. One of the easiest solutions is to trade smaller. The smaller the trade the less the stress, especially for the beginner. If you are experienced and in a loosing streak reduce your contracts until you get your confidence returns. Some people need to take a break altogether. Get away from it all. Take your mind off the trading.

The lack of a proper trading plan which includes precise rules for entering and exiting a trade will most certainly guarantee failure over the long term. Beginners usually suffer from the same common ailments. They abandon trading plans purely on impulse because things are not going exactly as how they had envisioned. Repeatedly they use unreliable methods that fail to produce a profit. Many traders hold on to losing positions telling themselves "it is going to turn" when every indicator says otherwise because they cannot bear the thought of a loss. Why do they torture themselves? Why don't they just identify what's going wrong and make a change? For some people recognizing that a trade or even a trading method is not working and making a change is easy, but for others it's very difficult. They have to look at their limitations admit that they have made a mistake and that's hard because it hurts our ego. Psychologically it's risky, it's often easier to fool ourselves. Just keep going, living in a state of denial until your account is depleted. If you recognize any of these traits in yourself you must stop trading immediately. Take a good look at what has been happening, try and identify the problem. If you look close enough you may see a pattern. This is why it is vital to record every trade and as much information about it as possible. You have to break out of old patterns and see things in a new light. You will never be a successful trader if you continue to live in a state of denial. What can be done to return to reality? There is a lot you can do. First of all make sure you are not trading under stress. When stressed out you can't see clearly, you become rigid and unable to see alternative views. One of the easiest solutions is to trade smaller. The smaller the trade the less the stress, especially for the beginner. If you are experienced and in a loosing streak reduce your contracts until you get your confidence returns. Some people need to take a break altogether. Get away from it all. Take your mind off the trading.

absolutely brillent!!, samuael , great post,thanks


Thanks Samuel23 for your good post. It includes number of good forex information like accepting loses in forex trading.


You are most welcome guys, i just wish that it helps your trade. Normally, i like to do research about forex in order to improve my daily trading and why only me - this is why i share these information in this forum where other can also learn and improve their trades. If you have any suggestions or question about forex, please share it so that we can also learn from it as we never learning never stops. Please do not hesitate to share or ask your questions?? Thanks guys.

Take a good look at what has been happening, try and identify the problem. If you look close enough you may see a pattern. This is why it is vital to record every trade and as much information about it as possible. You have to break out of old patterns and see things in a new light.

Agree with you. We all need to analyze our past trading history regularly to check what goes wrong and carefully identify the reasons behind that so that in future we can make better trading decision in forex.


Ya Gorald, we need to learn from our mistakes as well. If we improve on these factors then definitely we are going to make something out of it. Forex is not that difficult, if we upgrades our learning and knowledge we will surely win.


Well said, we should be ready for losses in Forex. This is a market where you should be well focused and trade with your maximum effort to achieve success in this field. I will say that if we succeed to learn about Forex then we should be able to match with it as it really demands good knowledge!!


Nice post, good work!

Nice post, good work!

Thanks mate, I hope that this can be of some help to you. I wish you good luck in your trades and wish you earn lot of money!!

thanks Samuel23 for your nice post

It was a great pleasure to share this will you guys. I just hope it will really help you in your future trading and wish that you all become successful. Just keep doing the great job


Awesome tips! Well i think with or without a plan, you will face losses coz trading is a risky business as we all know well. Just don't let the losses get to your head or despair you