Mind Circus


Dear forum members,

I’m facing a situation in my trading and I’m looking for a solution. I’m sure the experienced traders will be able to understand the problem well. I’ll be grateful if some of you can give me some ideas on how to work out on this

Mind circus during live trading

I have worked with two systems for three months paper trading. I’ve my set of rules and then few fine stuffs that act as clues when to stay out. In short, I’ve knowledge plus a little experience of the systems. What happens is when I sit for live trading my mind plays a circus and it makes me doubt the setup or outright reject the setup. I call this as a circus because it is well orchestrated and it happens every da

But then there also comes the add moment when I’m able to get out of the trap and get in the zone where I’m clearly seeing what is happening in the market. I want to be in a situation where by I can access that zone when I want and not at the mercy of my mind. I do have the feeling of how it is when I’m in the zone but it happens on very few occasio

In past one year, I’ve also worked on my overall thinking process to clear out a lot of biases and emotional clog that I had held for a longtime in my life. After having released a lot of negativity out of mind I’ve been able to look at the price movement and it has helped me find more opportunities and get the clues and also at times the intuitive feeling about the market. But it is taking long time to translate the same thing in the real time environment

I’m keen to work on myself so as to make trading effortless. I can understand the resistance I have inside and sometimes I can see myself clearly as two people inside me, One who knows about my system and method of trading and other who is creating doubt, anxiety and fear. I’ve developed this personal frustration as I can see that what I set out to do is out there but I’m not doing what I’m supposed to d

I hope I have been able to convey m problem. I’ll be thankful to anyone who can suggest me how to go about this inner change that I need to do


You need to identify why you are questioning the entry, if this is the problem you described.

1) Are the rules of entry strict enough to eliminate indecision?

2) Are you over-trading your account? What is the risk/reward assessment prior to each trade? This must be made before entry.

3) Impatience. Most traders want to have a winning day, every day. It doesn't happen like that. Depending on the technique/system, you have to understand that small sample sizes will not give the chance of probability to play out.

4) Are your trades being affected by economic data releases that result in spikes? If you're day trading with small stop-loss, you should stay on the sidelines. Traders that are trained to trade the news (data) know what to expect and understand the risks.

5) If you are using a trend technique/system, just understand that the market trends only about 25% of the time.