NeverQuit's Trading Journal - page 3


Today I was able to get my feet back under me and get my trading back on the righ track. I had a very solid trading day during both the Europe and US session.

I was able to make 9.57% profit today. I will say that my personal opinion is that today the market was very choppy on eur/usd, which is the pair that I trade. Hopefully tomorrow will be a smooth nice trending day. It seems to me that after a choppy day, the market usually comes back the next day with a pretty smooth trending day. I'm hoping that is the case but if it's not, I will do my best to have another profitable day.

For those who want to know or are just curious, my current balance is $75.37. I started this journal last week with a balance of $57.16 so I'm in profit a total of 28.79% profit in 6 trading days.


Even though I missed out on the massive bearish move on EUR/USD (not all but part of it) I was still able to have a successful trading day today. I was able to walk away with 7.05% profit today.

I want to share something that hopefully at least one person will be able to take to heart and apply to their trading, actually life for that matter.

What I was to talk about is the power of belief in yourself. With this fresh start that I have started with my trading, I've also started to see even more just how powerful it is to always believe in yourself. Even when my trading was struggling in the past, I always felt like I could still make a living for myself in this business. I've never questioned that in my trading as well in my life.

So I just want to say to those who may be thinking about hanging it up in your trading, job or anything you are passionate about, have a very honest talk with yourself. My advice would be to tighten up your bootstraps and get back to work. I know it may be frustrating at times to struggle and wonder if you ever will make it but I truly believe that the struggle is beautiful. As crazy as that may sound, the struggle is needed. It will make you appreciate it that much more when you have realized your goals and dreams. As hard as it has been for me over the years with my trading and life, I keep pushing forward. I keep pushing so when I do make it and, and I know I will, I will have a story to share with my kids and those who are interested.

So I don't want to drag this out but always believe in yourself and never question that. The only difference between those who have reached their goals and those who have not are the ones who have reached them NeverQuit!


I did not do any trading on October 27th. I was not feeling to well and decided to go to bed early and sleep in so I missed both the Europe and US sessions.


Still not feeling too well but better than yesterday. Trying to get alot of fluids in my system so I can get back to feeling better. Have to take my kiddies to fill up their candy bags on Monday so I have to make sure I'm at 100% superdad powers for that special event!

I placed one trade and started to feel woozy again so I manually closed it out for a slight profit of 0.16%. I made a total profit of 14.91% this week taking my trading account to $80.81.

I think I made a mistake and said my profit last week was 27% and that is incorrect. It was actually 21.09%. So my total gain so far in my two weeks of trading is 36% profit.

All in all, I had another profitable trading week and only one losing day for the entire week (my only losing day throughout this trading experience). My goal is to average 1% profit per day.

I hope to be feeling better come Monday so I can get back into my trading routine.

I wish you all a great weekend and spend as much time with your loved ones as you possibly can.

Still not feeling too well but better than yesterday. Trying to get alot of fluids in my system so I can get back to feeling better. Have to take my kiddies to fill up their candy bags on Monday so I have to make sure I'm at 100% superdad powers for that special event! I placed one trade and started to feel woozy again so I manually closed it out for a slight profit of 0.16%. I made a total profit of 14.91% this week taking my trading account to $80.81. I think I made a mistake and said my profit last week was 27% and that is incorrect. It was actually 21.09%. So my total gain so far in my two weeks of trading is 36% profit. All in all, I had another profitable trading week and only one losing day for the entire week (my only losing day throughout this trading experience). My goal is to average 1% profit per day. I hope to be feeling better come Monday so I can get back into my trading routine. I wish you all a great weekend and spend as much time with your loved ones as you possibly can.

That is "Awesome," keep up the great work!

I find myself reading your journal daily, it is nice to see a trader start with real obtainable goals, and reach them.

Have a great weekend with your family, and don't eat too much of that candy....



Somehow I have miscalculated my profit gain. I use a spreadsheet to help me figure out my gains and it seems to be off a bit so I will manually do the calculations from this point forward. I will still use the spreadsheet for my own benefits but I will share my profits or losses based off of my own calculations.

So here is my updated calculations. I started my journal with $57 and right now I have $80 so based off my calculations that's a profit of 42% in my two weeks of trading.

I'm going to keep doing the best that I can to get to the point that I want to be in my trading career and also in my life. I'm taking it one trade at a time.


Thanks Monarch. The support and kind words truly do mean alot to me. It may not seem like it but it all plays a major part in my trading. It's never a bad thing to be told that you are doing a good job.

I've been down the road of setting goals outside of my reach to only have it put me a million steps behind where I started. I'm done with that. I know this may sound stupid but one day I locked myself in my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and had a very lengthly conversations with myself about my trading and life.

I know what I want out of my life and I know I can obtain it. The problem was the steps I was taking to obtain what I wanted were not going to get me where I wanted to be. So rather than blame everybody else for my problems and lack of success, I faced the music and admitted to myself that I owe it to myself, kids and loved ones to do things the right way.

For so long I did things in a manner that realizing my dreams and goals would not have been possible. I decided to change things up and go about my trading in a more productive manner and so far things have gone much better for me.

Thanks for stopping by and please keep doing so. I appreciate the support very much.

That is "Awesome," keep up the great work! I find myself reading your journal daily, it is nice to see a trader start with real obtainable goals, and reach them. Have a great weekend with your family, and don't eat too much of that candy.... Cheers.

I will not be trading this week. I'm still under the weather and getting worse. I hope to trade next week but have a few things that I had scheduled (appointments, interviews, etc) so I may be taking this week off and next week also and then resuming my trading the following week.

I'm on my way to the doctors office right now to pick up my perscription and then coming back home to go back to sleep.

I did glance at the markets and see that EUR/USD has been falling and falling so I hope that you all were able to make a bunch of profits.

Have a great week and weekend and I will be back least I hope so.


Sorry to hear that your not feeling well, it is wise that you back off and get well before taking trades.

I hope you get better soon.

Take care.


Thanks Monarch. I'm still under the weather. Getting better but still under the weather. My mother is moving next week so I doubt that I will be trading next week also.

In the past I would cut corners on other things in life to make sure that i could trade and I no longer worry about that. I'm now okay with not trading each day. It does not bother me any longer. I actually enjoy taking some time off and doing other things. This week I've spent majority of my time in the bed but that's just how it goes sometimes I guess.

I hope that you all have made some nice gains this week and that you enjoy time with your loved ones now that the market is closed.

I will touch base from time to time and once I'm back able to trade, I will start posting each day like I was doing in the past.

Sorry to hear that your not feeling well, it is wise that you back off and get well before taking trades. I hope you get better soon. Take care.